篇一 :英语读后感的开头和结尾

一 开头万能公式:

1. 开头万能公式一:名人名言




A proverb says, “ You are only young once.” (适用于已记住的名言)

It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever. (适用于自编名言)


As everyone knows, No one can deny that…




According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation.




Travel by Bike




Five-day Work Week Better than Six-day Work?

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篇二 :英语读书笔记格式

1st Book

Name(书名): The Adventure of Tom Sawyer Author(作者): Mark Twain

Publishing House(出版社): Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press Main Characters(主要人物):



My idea(我的感想): After reading, I think that...

2nd Book

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篇三 :英语读后感

Jane Eyre — A Beautiful Soul(简爱)

江苏省宜兴中学 高三二班 洪一帆

Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:

We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.

We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.

We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.

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篇四 :英语读书笔记格式

Class: Name:

English Reading Notes

Title(题目): Writer(作者): I love these sentences(好句):

My feeling (感受):

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篇五 :英语读后感



瑟伯在十三座钟里的行文独具魅力,却又无碍故事本身的叙述——相反,更为故事增添了不少光彩。这是一本琅琅上口的书,一本字字珠玑的书。瑟伯把故事讲得有滋有味,同时,又将文字演绎得活色生香、光彩夺目,他像个快乐的疯子一样抛洒着语词,自始至终连珠。 这是一个奇迹。 十三座钟是本短小的书,一眼看去,你可能不会觉得有什么惊人之处,但是到了故事结尾,你会被书中的人物深深吸引,尤其是神奇的古鲁克斯。我不知道瑟伯是怎么做到的,但是他们真的栩栩如生。 我们会出于很多不同的理由喜欢很多不同的书,但是很少有一本书,像十三座钟一样令人陶醉。它不是寓言、童话或者诗歌,而更像是三者的结合体。它生动幽默,饱含哲理,诗意盎然。它独一无二,让人快乐。 每个人只需几个简单的理由就想要读,因为: 每个人都想爱上公主。 每个人都想变成王子。 每个人都希望邪不胜正。. 每个人都希望活得幸福快乐,直到永远。 这一切在当下实在太少见了,但是这一切在十三座钟中处处可寻。

" Thirteen clocks " by James Thurber. Thurber in the " clock " in thirteen the unique charm, but no harm the story narration -- on the contrary, more add luster to the story. This is the book easy to pronounce, every phrase a gem of a book. Thurber put the story Youziyouwei, at the same time, the text interpretation, its brightness dazzles the eyes. He looks like a person, happy madman spreading word from first to last, sparkling discourse. This is a miracle.

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篇六 :英语读后感Book Report on The CORAL ISLAND(全英)

Book Report on The CORAL ISLAND

《THE CORAL ISLAND》 was the fiction that brought the English author robert micheal ballantine his first renown. The story was happend to three main characters named :JACK MARTIN 、RALPH ROVER 、 PETERKIN GAY in the mystery coral island of the southern pacific .The three young boys have landed the shore of coral island after their ship had fallen into the angry waves and thus they have been through much difficulties as well as wonterful things on the desert island and around:a fierce shark、water garden、diamond cave、pig sticking、man-eaters......at the end ,they left the rememberable island and made their way home.

As I mentioned it at my first paragraph ,there were three young boys as the main characters of this fiction .Let me tell you what they exactly look like and the personality of each of them.first ,"I" —RALPH ROVER .RALPH was a 15 years old boy who was fond of wandering very much,he used to be quiet and listen to his companions ' talk ,he has good insight and got along patiently with the troublesome.As I see it ,he was the most ordinary one among the three .But anyhow,the writer needs someone to stay quiet thus describeb everything in his heart to readers ,to let them know the plots of the whole fiction instead of being busy with showing his own opinions and charisma.Therefore, no description about RALPH 's appearance has been found in the fiction.As for PETERKIN who was a cheeky boy for me,he was little(the youngest boy ,only 14-year-old),quick、funny,but his fun was almost always harmless,such as making exaggerated facial expressions,I guess that's why everyone fancied to have him.He was just childish,sometimes couldn't be thoughtful ,also lack of observation ,sometimes made some stupid mistakes or asked some questions which everyone knew the answers .On the other hand,he always in need ,helpful .His jokes could ease his companions' pain,his positive emotion could light up his fellows' gray world .That he was:looked foolish, smart inside.The last one—— JACK MARTIN,was my favourite.he was a tall、broad-shouldered youth of eighteen, with a handsome ,pleasant,firm face.he was well-educated 、clever and wild in his actions,but mild and quiet by nature.undoubtly he was the leader of their,for his consideration、courage、mature thought、intelligence、insight、kindliness、bondless knowledge about the coral island ,he should be a perfect captain as well as a promising young.I was impressed by the experiences that he saved his fellows' life from hopeless circumstances many times ,I appreciated his courage and intelligence .He should be a hero ,I love him .

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篇七 :flipped的英语读后感

It’s generally acknowledged that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Take a simple example as a painting. A cow by itself is just a cow, a meadow by itself is just grass, flowers, and the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. But you put them all into a picture, it can be magic. That’s what the film “flipped” told us. However, the ideas it conveys can be far more than that.

Dazzling as Brice’s eyes were, Julli could see nothing but empty and poor soul when she stepped closer. Eccentric as Julli was, you will find her iridescent inner beauty and nothing will ever compare when you get to know her. Eyes or our behavior, are just and no more than part of our true being. If we only focus on these trifling small parts, we will lose the opportunity to go further and discover what can be more than our expected, about one’s spirit. More precisely, only when we see things as a whole, only when we combine the all together, something can really come out and possibly be felt. Only then can we communicate with one’s soul and therefore, capture the quintessence of a person. Here comes the explicit social rule, really getting to know people before you judge them, in fact, don’t judge them at all, but know them by their character.

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篇八 :Reading Journal 英语读书笔记格式

Reading Journal: What do You Think, Feel, and Like?

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