篇一 :微笑的力量英语演讲稿

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen

I’m very glad to be here for this English speech contest.first of all,please let me introduce myself.

My name is LiHongbo,I come from Taiyuan,Shanxi province ,which with many famous historic and cultural sites.Welcome everyone to visit my beautiful hometown.

I’m a very outgoing and friendly boy who have l ots of hobbies like basketball especially to make friends with everyone.

My today’s speech topic is “The power of smile”

A smile has many

many means:pleasure,welcome,happiness,and

more, And it’s part of an universal body language that doesn’t need any extra interpretation. Smile is

a very simple and easy thing to do.

As ereryone knows,butterfly effect is that a small butterfly shake its wings,then even lead to a terrible tornado in Pacific .

The smile is all the same,not only make you more confident,but also affect your friends,parents,and the people who around you to smile all the time.

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篇二 :微笑的力量演讲稿-英文


Ladies and Gentlemen, good afternoon! Today, my topic is smile. First of all, I want to ask you some questions. Just think it.

Whit is smile?

What your attitude towards it?

Why should we smile?

In my opinion, smile is a kind of art. Smile is also a kind of language which cannot be heard by anyone, but persons always know its meaning. When you meet your friends in the morning, smile means “Good morning!” When you fail, the friend’s smile means “Have another try!” So when you smile, although you don’t say any word, you can understand each other.

When you need some help, you should say: “Excuse me.” At the same time, if you show your unhappy face, he will be unhappy too. How can you get the help while he has no pleasure? So if you smile, you will get his help.

Then, for this question why should we smile, there are several reasons for keeping smile. For example, the first one is smiling can change our mood. One day, I feel down. Walking on the road dejectedly\in low spirits, I came across someone. A slight smile is on her face. Maybe she did not know me. However, I saw sincerity and hope in her eyes. The corner of her mouth tilted up, and her smile affect me. Finally, I give a smile to her then. And there is sincerity. This moment, I know there is nothing more beautiful than a smile that struggles through tears. We should learn to use your smile to change the world. Do not let the world change your smile.

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篇三 :微笑的力量的演讲稿

商务英语一班 尹星辰 BC11180129 Smile

Ladies and Gentlemen, good afternoon! Today, my topic is smile. First of all, I want to ask you some questions. Just think it.

Whit is smile?

What your attitude towards it?

Why should we smile?

In my opinion, smile is a kind of art. Smile is also a kind of language which cannot be heard by anyone, but persons always know its meaning. When you meet your friends in the morning, smile means “Good morning!” When you fail, the friend’s smile means “Have another try!” So when you smile, although you don’t say any word, you can understand each other.

When you need some help, you should say: “Excuse me.” At the same time, if you show your unhappy face, he will be unhappy too. How can you get the help while he has no pleasure? So if you smile, you will get his help.

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篇四 :20xx高考英语作文预测:微笑的力量


The Power of Smile

As time goes by, people are being busier and busier with working, such as signing their

contracts, meeting their customers, drawing up the balance sheets of their companies and so on. In this circumstance, people forget our most excellent skill--smile.


There are a great many kinds of power of smile. First of all, common touch can be showed by a kind smile. Imagine that you go to a company to attend an audition. With a confident smile, you are more likely to answer the question better. Furthermore, smile can eliminate angry. As a

philosopher said, smile before you begin to get angry. The last but not the least, it reflects calm of a person when he is in danger or in trouble.


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篇五 :邓莉莉 微笑的魅力演讲稿






记得我刚到幼儿园工作不久,班上有个小朋友叫李梓月,她任性、不爱上幼儿园,特别爱哭,非常不容易接近,她妈妈心里感到忐忑不安,很担心孩子不习惯这里的生活。自从她来到我班,我尝试用了各种办法接近她,面对这样的孩子,亲切很重要,我常向她展露我的微笑,希望通过我的笑容能让她不安的情绪得到安慰。起初她对我有点排斥。有一天,我拿出手机说要给她照相,但是要像老师一样笑得那么甜,照出的相片才好看!她听了,脸上虽然还挂着眼泪,但是也裂开嘴巴轻轻微笑,我给她看照片,一边微笑地对她说“瞧,你看你笑得多甜,多美啊,老师可喜欢了!”过了好一段时间,孩子慢慢转变了,变得愿意和我说话了,变得爱笑了,孩子活泼了许多,她妈妈特别高兴。有时侯一来幼儿园就和我分享自己的快乐的事,她妈妈说,“看到活泼开朗、爱上幼儿园的女儿,我真的很开心,谢谢你老师”,这微笑使我获得了家长的信任;这微笑,赢得了孩子对我的依恋;这时,我真正领悟到这微笑的魅力所在,更感受到这微笑的力量。 作家尤今说:“笑一笑吧,让太阳冲破阴霾,让温暖取代苦寒。笑,是无言的礼貌,一个微笑让你赢得整个世界。”在我看来就算赢 1


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篇六 :传递微笑的力量(争做最美乡村医生演讲稿)






生命对于每个人只有一次,人们热爱生命,呵护生命,对于生命的珍视无与伦比。正因为生命绚丽,我们说迎接生命者是夏花之灿烂; 正因为生命宝贵,我们说拯救生命者如冬柏之俊秀;正因为生命无价,人们才给那些无私奉献、救死扶伤的医务工作者一个响亮的名字——白衣天使。作为一名刚参加工作的医务工作者,我为拥有这样的称号而感到骄傲和自豪。参加工作这一个多月以来,我每天生活在感动中,为病人的坚强,也为同事的敬业。这一个月,我学到了很多,有专业知识,有工作经验,也有生活技能。但是最让我受益匪浅的却是在这小小乡镇卫生院里,大家那种以人为本、健康为上、医院为家、诚信为民的服务理念,还有他们那热情好客的淳朴民风,深深感动着我!

社区医生是一门用爱心呵护生命的职业,而微笑,则是这一行业的开门风景。微笑是阳光,是春风,是开心的钥匙,是人与人感情交通的一座桥梁。愿意微笑也同时意味着希望把工作做好,所以微笑在实际工作中始终扮演着重要的角色,是一种无形的认真的力量。当然想要赢得别人对自己微笑,首先要学会先换位思考,站在对方的角度去分析,只有你尊重病人、同情病人并治好了他们的病,把他们的健康当作自己的健康,甚至比自己的健康更重要的位置时,你一定会赢得 1

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篇七 :精彩演讲稿


用微笑面对生活 微笑,就像暗夜中一只偶然飞过的萤火虫,带领着在生活之路中迷途的孩子,走过迷茫的黑暗之区。用炽热的阳光温暖他们在黑暗之中早已冰封的心,明亮却又没有一丝阴影,让他们永远生活在,用微笑撑起的一片迷人的世界中……

生活就像一面镜子。你对它哭,它也对你哭,如果你想要它对你微笑,你只有一种办法,就是对它——微笑。微笑是最美好最迷人的一种表情。诚、温馨、快乐。 人生中有成功就有失败,失败不意味着你是一个失败者,失败表明你尚未成功;失败不意味着你没有努力,失败表明你的努力还不够;失败不意味着你必须忏悔,失败表明你还要吸取教训;失败不意味着你一事无成,失败表明你得到了经验;失败不意味着你无法成功,失败表明你还需要一些时间;失败不意味着你会被打倒,失败表明你要微笑面对。微笑面对你身边的一切。


巴尔扎克说:“世界上的事情永远不是绝对的,结果因人而异,苦难对于天才是一块垫脚石,对能干的人是一笔财富,对于弱者是一个万丈深渊。”我们要在失败中吸取经验教训,体会方法,思考原因,这样,我们才会变地成熟,才会成功。 我们不能单单停留在失败上,要微笑着面对失败,迎接新一次的挑战,正如拿破仑所说的“避免失败的最好方法,就是决心获得下一次成功。



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篇八 :微笑的力量 The Power of Smile

微笑的力量 The Power of Smile

Astime goes by, people are being busier and busier with working, such as signingtheir contracts, meeting their customers, drawing up the balance sheets oftheir companies and so on. In this circumstance, people forget our mostexcellent skill--smile.


Thereare a great many kinds of power of smile. First of all, common touch can beshowed by a kind smile. Imagine that you go to a company to attend an audition.With a confident smile, you are more likely to answer the question better. Furthermore,smile can eliminate angry. As a philosopher said, smile before you begin to getangry. The last but not the least, it reflects calm of a person when he is indanger or in trouble.


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