篇一 :英国女王伊丽莎白二世登基60周年演讲稿(全球最美最标准的英音没有之一!)


(倪宁 译)

My Lords and Members of the House of Commons,


I am most grateful for your Loyal Addresses and the generous words of the Lord Speaker and Mr. Speaker.


This great institution has been at the heart of the country and the lives of our people throughout its history.

这个伟大的机构(议会)已经成为国家历史的心脏和我们民众生活的生命。 As Parliamentarians, you share with your forebears a fundamental role in the laws and decisions of your own age.


Parliament has survived as an unshakeable cornerstone of our constitution and our way of life.


History links monarchs and Parliament, a connecting thread from one period to the next.

历史联系着君主和议会,像一根纽带把一个时代和下一个时代连接起来。 So, in an era when the regular, worthy rhythm of life is less

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篇二 :20xx英国女王圣诞讲话稿

2015 Christmas Message

By The Queen

At this time of year, few sights evoke more feelings of cheer and goodwill than the twinkling lights of a Christmas tree.

The popularity of a tree at Christmas is due in part to my great-great grandparents, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.

After this touching picture was published, many families wanted a Christmas tree of their own, and the custom soon spread.

In 1949, I spent Christmas in Malta as a newly-married naval wife.

We have returned to that island over the years, including last month for a meeting of Commonwealth leaders, and this year I met another group of leaders: The Queen's Young Leaders, an inspirational group, each of them a symbol of hope in their own Commonwealth communities.

'Losing a loved one'

Gathering round the tree gives us a chance to think about the year ahead --- I am looking forward to a busy 2016, though I have been warned I may have Happy Birthday sung to me more than once or twice.

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篇三 :英国女王演讲稿

My Lords and Members of the House of Commons,

I am most grateful for your Loyal Addresses and the generous words of the Lord Speaker and Mr. Speaker.

This great institution has been at the heart of the country and the lives of our people throughout its history. As Parliamentarians, you share with your forebears a fundamental role in the laws and decisions of your own age. Parliament has survived as an unshakeable cornerstone of our constitution and our way of life.

History links monarchs and Parliament, a connecting thread from one period to the next. So, in an era when the regular, worthy rhythm of life is less eye-catching than doing something extraordinary, I am reassured that I am merely the second Sovereign to celebrate a Diamond Jubilee.

As today, it was my privilege to address you during my Silver and Golden Jubilees. Many of you were present ten years ago and some of you will recall the occasion in 1977. Since my Accession, I have been a regular visitor to the Palace of Westminster and, at the last count, have had the pleasurable duty of treating with twelve Prime Ministers.

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篇四 :英国女王演讲稿


My Lords and Members of the House of Commons,

I am most grateful for your Loyal Addresses and the generous words of the Lord Speaker and Mr. Speaker.

This great institution has been at the heart of the country and the lives of our people throughout its history.

As Parliamentarians, you share with your forebears a fundamental role in the laws and decisions of your own age. Parliament has survived as an unshakable cornerstone of our constitution and our way of life. History links monarchs and Parliament, a connecting thread from one period to the next. So, in an era when the regular, worthy rhythm of life is less eye-catching than doing something extraordinary, I am reassured that I am merely the second Sovereign to celebrate a Diamond Jubilee.

As today, it was my privilege to address you during my Silver and Golden Jubilees. Many of you were present ten years ago and some of you will recall the occasion in 1977.

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篇五 :英国女王“第三次世界大战”演讲稿


20xx年08月02日08:31 来源:华商网





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篇六 :英国女王20xx圣诞演讲稿

Each year that passes seems to have its own character. Some leave us with a feeling ofsatisfaction, others are best forgotten.

2009 was a difficult year for many, in particular those facingthe continuing effects of the economic downturn.

I am sure that we have all been affected by events in Afghanistan and saddened by the casualtiessuffered by our forces serving there. Our thoughts go out to their relations and friends who haveshown immense dignity in the face of great personal loss.

But, we can be proud of the positive contribution that our servicemen and women are making, inconjunction with our allies.

Well over 13,000 soldiers from the United Kingdom, and across the Commonwealth - Canada,Australia, New Zealand and Singapore - are currently serving in Afghanistan.

The debt of gratitude owed to these young men and women, and to their predecessors, is indeedprofound.

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篇七 :英国女王20xx圣诞演讲稿

Christmas is a time for celebration. But this year it is a more sombre occasion for many. Some of those things which could once have been taken for granted suddenly seem less certain, and naturally give rise to feelings of insecurity. People are touched by events which have their roots far across the world. Whether it is the global economy or violence in a distant land, effects can be keenly felt at home.

Once again many of our service men and women are serving on operations in common cause to bring peace and security to troubled places. In this 90th year since the end of the First World War, the last survivors recently commemorated the service and enormous sacrifice of their own generation. Their successors in theatres such as Iraq and Afghanistan are still to be found in harm's way in the service of others. For their loved ones, the worry will never cease until they are safely home.

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篇八 :英国女王伊丽莎白二世登基60周年演讲稿(中英文对照)

英国女王伊丽莎白二世登基60周年演讲稿 (20xx年2月6日)

My Lords and Members of the House of Commons,


I am most grateful for your Loyal Addresses and the generous words of the Lord Speaker and Mr. Speaker.


This great institution has been at the heart of the country and the lives of our people throughout its history.


As Parliamentarians, you share with your forebears a fundamental role in the laws and decisions of your own age.


Parliament has survived as an unshakeable cornerstone of our constitution and our way of life.


History links monarchs and Parliament, a connecting thread from one period to the next.


So, in an era when the regular, worthy rhythm of life is less eye-catching than doing something extraordinary, I am reassured that I am merely the second Sovereign to celebrate a Diamond Jubilee.

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