篇一 :医学英语讲演稿

Last year, the journal "the Lancet" had published an article, illustrated the difficult situation Chinese doctors were facing. In this article, doctor's image in people's heart was no longer the "white angel" but "white wolf", and doctors' safety was violated frequently. Which make us think: What has happened to our career?

In fact, medical careers are never an easy road, as we all know, medical exams are the most difficult items to pass, and it costs more time to become a qualified doctor. For example, if a medical student wants to find a job in a large-scale general hospital in Shanghai, he must first spend 11 years in college to get a doctor's degree, and then attend the Resident Training for another 3 years. When he finally gets the job, he will be over 30 years old. No wonder doctors are always hard to get married, it's always too late.

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篇二 :医学之路演讲稿






健康所系、性命相托。作为医学生的我们有责任与义务去维护生命的健康与纯洁。 青春是美好的,但也最易流逝。我们也曾无奈地抱怨青春为何如此沉重,然“百金买骏马,千金买美人,万金买高爵,何处买青春”?正值青春的我们怎能虚度青春,只有拼搏的青春才是人生绝美的风景。我们应该为自己曾经懈怠软弱的心上一把坚实的大锁,想想父母渐趋成弧的腰板,想想老师沾满粉尘的手指,想想自己十年寒窗的辛苦,想想正需开垦的希望原野??我们只有不懈地耕耘,没有任何退缩和逃避的借口。

印度诗人泰戈尔曾说:“我是一片云,空空的不载雨水,但在秋的田野里,我看到了我的充实。”是啊,大学生活是忙碌的,但也是充实的;它是艰苦的,但也是满怀希望的。“春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子”,我们只有在今朝挥汗播下希望的种子,才能在明天欣喜收获满筐的硕果。真水无香,心素如简,我们需要淡定宁静,需要求真务实,需要更加严格地要求自己。我们需要充分认识到:学习不仅是兴趣,更是责任和希望;纪律不仅是约束,更是考验和培养;与人交往不仅是友谊,更是艺术和胸怀;举手投足不仅是礼仪,更是品位和修养。 看!蔚蓝的天空,有幸福的彩虹那是属于你和我编织的梦。不怕孤单寂寞,不怕泪水坠落,我要飞越世界,勇敢地承诺,坚持最初的梦想。

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篇三 :医学英语科演讲稿

Good afternoon everyone! My name is XXX. It’s my great honor to stand here giving my presentation. Someone of you may feel annoyed that you are easier to get a catch as the weather is getting colder and colder. Now I’d like to share some little tricks about how to strengthen your immune system and stay away from cold.

Well the first thing you’d better do is to optimize Vitamin D levels. It should be noted that Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin but also a kind of hormone which has receptor sites in every area of the body including the immune system and respiratory tissue. Studies have linked Vitamin

D as necessary for the production of antimicrobial protein from immune cells in response to infection.

Low levels of vitamin D in the blood are linked with increased incidence of upper respiratory infection. Then you may be concerned about how much Vitamin D should we intake and what kinds of foods are rich in it? Adults should keep optimum levels by taking at least 2000IU daily. It isn’t hard to match the standard if we eat an egg, drink a cup of milk and have some fruits and vegetables everyday. Well, the best way is to exposure to natural sunlight , and this is the primary method by which the human body generates vitamin D stores.

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篇四 :医学英语第二单元演讲稿

Lifestyle plays an important role in longevity,

Just like an old saying: one apple a day keeps doctor away

There are 5 factors risk our life

Sometimes Diabetes and high blood pressure relate with genetic, so we can’t chose, but we can change our lifestyle, such as smoking obesity and inactivity.

People, especially young men, start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Some think it looks cool. Others start because their family members or friends smoke.

The body doesn't need tobacco, and many of the chemicals in cigarettes, like nicotine and cyanide, are actually poisons that can kill in high enough doses. The body is smart. It goes on the defense when it's being poisoned. Over the long term, smoking leads people to develop health problems like heart disease, stroke and many types of cancer — including lung, throat, stomach, and bladder cancer. It can cause bad skin, bad breath, bad-smelling clothes and hair, greater risk of injury and slower healing time, increased risk of illness.

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篇五 :20xx年医学生演讲比赛中英文主持稿












欢迎大家参加我们20xx年第二届研究生英语演讲比赛,我是主持人,XX。 ........

Every life is a boat, the dream is the boat sail. Dreams don’t abandon a painstaking pursuit of the people, as long as you never stop pursuing. In order to enhance our enthusiasm for English learning and guide the students to pay more attention to life path and the direction, we hold this English speaking contest.

人生似河,信念为帆,载着我们装满梦想的小舟到达理想的彼岸。为了提升大家对英语学习的热情,同时引导同学们更加关注对未来人生道路的规划和思考,我们举办了本次以“医学..梦&中国梦”为主题的英语演讲比赛。 .....

OK, now, Let me introduce our judges, and honored guests.

They are: (轮流报评委和嘉宾名字)

Thanks for joining us, Let’s give a warm round of applause on their arrival with a warm welcome and sincere thanks!


Before the beginning of competition, Let’s welcome Mr. ___________ give a speech for us ! 下面有请,主管我们研究生工作的XXX为我们的比赛致辞。掌声有请-----

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篇六 :临本四英语演讲稿

Learn to walk before you can run

Good afternoon everyone! I am very happy to stand here and have this opportunity to share something with you. Today I’d like to share you some of my thoughts, learn to walk before you can run

There is no denying that doing things step by step is one of the most important keys to success. We find that successful people are always those having and achieving their goals who are patiently laying the foundation down instead of in a hurry to get succeed.

Why is foundation important? By laying foundation you are taking control of your life. It is like having a clear direction, and with certain plans. You will straightly get what you want. On the contrary, without laying foundation, you will live a wandering life. You do not know how to do, where to go and why you are listless. Then your life become in total disorder, and confused .just like the whirlpool in a muddy lake.

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篇七 :医学良知 演讲稿

让良知与承诺 彰显医学的价值







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篇八 :I have a dream--原创英文讲稿 适合医学生哦~

I have a dream

Leaders, distinguished judges, and friends:

Hello, everyone!

Title of my speech is: I have a dream.

In 2008, Wenchuan earthquake had truly altered the course of my life, not because that I or anyone I know had been injured in it, not because my daily life had been greatly disturbed by it, but that my mind had been lightened up.

It was a dull afternoon. Quite absent-mindedly, I was just flipping through channels when I came across a short report. It had been more than 10 hours since the earthquake happened.

A little boy was finally saved with his face largely covered by blood. When the rescue workers prepared to moved him to the safe place, the wounded boy supine on the stretcher, with great difficulty, raised his right hand in a Young Pioneers salute. A line appeared on the screen: “ My motherland is in my heart!”

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