篇一 :毛姆经典语录

毛姆说:一经打击就灰心泄气的人,永远是个失败者。 一经打击就灰心泄气的人毛姆说: 爱情中需要有一种软弱无力的感觉,要有体贴爱护的要求,有帮助别人 爱情中需要有一种软弱无力的感觉 有帮助别人、取悦 别人的热情——如果不是无私 起码是巧妙地遮掩起来的自私; 如果不是无私, 爱情包含着某种程度的腼腆 怯懦。 毛姆说: 养成阅读的习惯等于为自己筑起一个避难所,几乎可以避免生命中所有的灾难 养成阅读的习惯等于为自己筑起一个避难所 几乎可以避免生命中所有的灾难。毛姆说: 一个人因为看到另外一种生活方式更有重大的意义,只经过半小时的考虑就甘 一个人因为看到另外一种生活方式更有重大的意义 只经过半小时的考虑就甘 愿抛弃一生的事业前途,这才需要很强的个性呢 这才需要很强的个性呢。贸然走出这一步,以后永不后悔 以后永不后悔,那需要 的个性就更多...毛姆说:我们要容忍他人,如同容忍自己。 我们要容忍他人毛姆说: 一个人要是跌进水里,他游泳得好不好是无关紧要的,反正他得挣扎出去 一个人要是跌进水里 反正他得挣扎出去,不 然就得淹死。 毛姆说: The value of culture is its effect on character. It avails nothing unless it enn...毛姆说: 一个人因为看到另外一种生活方式更有重大的意义,只经过半小时的考虑就甘 一个人因为看到另外一种生活方式更有重大的意义 只经过半小时的考虑就甘 愿抛弃一生一事业前途,这才需要很强的个性呢 这才需要很强的个性呢,冒然走出这一步,以后永不后悔 以后永不后悔,那需要 的个性就更多... 毛姆说: 女人们不断为了爱情而自寻短见,但是一般说来她们总是做得很小心 女人们不断为了爱情而自寻短见 但是一般说来她们总是做得很小心,不让自 杀成为事实。通常这只是为了引起她们情人的怜悯或者恐怖而作的一个姿态。 通常这只是为了引起她们情人的怜悯或者恐怖而作的一个姿态 毛姆说: 如果国家对任何事的评估高於自由,它会丧失自由;讽刺的是,如果它评估高的是 如果国家对任何事的评估高於自由 如果它评估高的是 安逸或金钱,它也会丧失安逸或金钱 -----它也会丧失安逸或金钱. 毛姆说: 爱情,只不过是一个插曲 只不过是一个插曲,是日常生活中许多事务中的一件事, ,但是小说却把 爱情夸大了,给予它一个违反生活真实性的重要地位 给予它一个违反生活真实性的重要地位。毛姆说: 月亮和六便士都在眼前,是为一份六便士的生活疲于奔命?还是为仰望心中那 月亮和六便士都在眼前 还是为仰望心中那 轮明月而有所放弃? 毛姆说:许多人被点了名,但

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篇二 :exercise sheet for 12 argumentative essay-2 reading and learning UNIVERSITY IN EVERY TOWN




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei

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篇三 :参会邀请函 含回执Invitaion for China Sourcing Conference (including confirmation receipt)

From:  China Council for International Investment Promotion (CCIIP)

Academy of Contact Center and BPO (ACCB)

“首届中国(广州)国际服务外包合作发展交易会 ”


 Invitation of China Sourcing Conference

 (Guangzhou) 2012

尊敬的     先生/女士

Honorable guest,


You’re warmly welcome to China Sourcing Conference (Guangzhou) 20## in Feb 28—29, 2012, sponsored by China Council for International Investment Promotion (CCIIP) and Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, and organized by Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangzhou Municipality. You’re also special guest of telecom session hosted by Academy of Contact Center and BPO.

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篇四 :Argumentative Essay on Automation Technology Change and Its Consequences

Argumentative Essay on Automation: Technology Change and Its Consequences

Automation is the substitution of self-operating machinery or electronics for manual or animal effort to support or control a broad spectrum of processes. Examples range from automatic teller machines, to robotic farm tractors, to securities transactions, and beyond. Henry Ford's use of the conveyor belt to produce Model T Fords in the early 1900s was a precursor to today's assembly lines that feature robotic assembly stations and automated inventory control, testing, and defect detection, all of which can be quickly reconfigured to accommodate variations of car models. Information technology is a form of automation used to process data, transmit information, or handle transactions, such as to order merchandise, buy or sell securities, or make hotel reservations.

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篇五 :英文辩论比赛策划书The Planning Scheme of College Students English Debate Competition

The Planning Scheme of College Students English Debate


The objectives of the activity:

1: To offer a platform to the English lovers to show themselves, and improve their oral English.

2:To enrich extracurricular life, to create an active atmosphere in campus, to show the vitality of youth, to improve one’s speculate thinking, logic thinking, and the verbal ability as well as to reflect a positive and vibrant mental status of university students. At the same time, It aims to strengthen exchange ability, to cultivate excellent debater, as well as to develop the ability of team collaboration among different departments, so that they can feel the collision of thinking and the art of language together.

4. The procedure of the activity

(一)First,it will be broadcast by propaganda department within the whole colleges.

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篇六 :托福范文 In order to solve the problem in the present and future, it is necessary to...

Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? In order to solve the problem in the present and future, it is necessary to understand the past.

There are many important factors that may influence the success, but none of them can guarantee the successful outcome. Also, the understanding of the past is the same as those so called the 'secret of success', but in my opinion, to understand to past means you have better chance to win than you don't.

First, the understanding of the past can at least prevent you from making the same mistakes. We all have made some mistakes in our life, some of the people may remember and learn from the mistakes, others would just ignore them and may fail again for the same reason in the future. For example, I have a friend who didn't get a good result in his college entrance examination because he played the computer games at that time. After he went to the college, which is not a good one, he decided to stop playing the computer games. But unfortunately, he started to play again when he was going to attend the GRE, so he failed again. If he can learn from his past experience and work hard, he may now get his master degree. So it's very important to understand the past and not to fell into the same river twice.

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篇七 :定性研究和定量研究的区别论文The Difference and Combination of Quantitative and Qualitative Research

The Difference and Combination of

Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Abstract: Quantitative research and qualitative research are two basic paradigms and methods, each with different concept, nature, fundamental theory, and research process. Recently, there are more and more arguments about the tow methods and more and more scholars promote the combination of them in researches. This thesis demonstrates the differences between the two methods and also analyzes the combination of them and its significance in researches.

Key words: Quantitative research, qualitative research, difference, combination

Section One The Introduction of Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research

There are two paradigms in social science research. One is the positivist methodology and the other is the humanist methodology. The positivist methodology simulates the natural science and uses inductive method to discover new knowledge, uses the “hypothesis-deduction” mode to test theory (Kerlinger, 1964), uses the method of mathematical statistics to analyze quantizable empirical observation and to assure the cause-and-effect relationship. In comparison, the humanist methodology derives from humanist science and emphasizes collecting, comprehending and explaining documents.

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篇八 :The information disclosure for the non-traditional insurance products创新保险产品信息披露要求英文版

The Information Disclosure for the Non-traditional Insurance Products

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1: This regulation has been formulated with a view to standardizing the insurance activities, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of policyholders.

The policyholder refers to the insurant, the insured or beneficiaries.

The insurant, the insured or beneficiaries shall notify the insurer of the occurrence of the insured risks in time after they have learned about them.

The insured refers to a person who is protected by the property or life insurance contract and who enjoys the right to insurance claims. An insurant may be an insured.

A beneficiary refers to a person who has been designated by the insured or the insurant to enjoy the right to insurance claims. The insurant or the insured may be the beneficiary.

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