篇一 :绝望主妇经典台词


1.Every storm brings with it hope that somehow by morning, everything will be made clean again. And even the most troubling stains will have disappeared. Like the doubts over his innocence, or the consequence of his mistake, like the scars of his betrayal,or the memory of his kiss.So we wait for the storm to pass hoping for the best, even though we know in our hearts some stains are so indelible, nothing can wash them away. 每随风暴而来的是希望——不论如何,到了早晨,一切都会变干净,即使最顽固的污点也会消失。像对清白的疑惑,错误的结果,背叛的创伤,亲吻的记忆。我们等待着风暴退却,期待着雨过天睛。即使我们清楚在心中, 有些污点是如此顽固,没有什么能将它们清除。

2.Have you met the perfect couple? The two soul mates whose love never dies? The two lovers whose relationship is never threatened.The husband and wife who trust each other completely. If you haven't met the perfect couple, let me introduce you.They stand atop a layer of butter cream frosting. The secret of their success? Well, for starters, they don't have to look at each other.

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篇二 :中英对照:《绝望的主妇》超级经典台词

Everyone understands the nature of war, we also understand that victory depends on the cards that we have been dealt. Some when faced with a bloody battle sim ply give in, but for some surrender is unacceptable, even though they know it w ould be a fight to the death。

每个人都清楚战争的本性,我们也知道胜利取决于我们打出的那些牌。有些人在面对血战会从容放弃;但是对某些人来说投降是无法接受的,尽管他们清楚面前的是决一死战。 The world is filled with unlikely friendships. How did they begin, with one per son desperately in need and another willing to lenda helping hand. When such k indness is offered,we are finally able to see the worth of those we have previ ously written off, and before we've known it, a bond has formed, regardless of whether others can understand it. Yes, unlikely friendships start up everyday, no one understands this more than the lonely, in fact, it's what they counton

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篇三 :绝望主妇经典语录

Everyone understands the nature of war, we also understand that victory depends on the cards that we have been dealt. Some when faced with a bloody battle simply give in, but for some surrender is unacceptable, even though they know it would be a fight to the death.


The world is filled with unlikely friendships. How did they begin, with one person desperately in need and another willing to lend a helping hand. When such kindness is offered, we are finally able to see the worth of those we have previously written off, and before we've known it, a bond has formed, regardless of whether others can understand it. Yes, unlikely friendships start up everyday, no one understands this more than the lonely, in fact, and it's what they count on.

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篇四 :绝望主妇经典句子

1 Be in the air 将要发生的事情

【英英解释】The feeling or idea that something new is about to happen or is going to change. Example: From the arguments going on at the meeting, it seems that a change in policy is in the ai


2 Clear the air 消除误会

【英英解释】To settle a dispute and restore good relations

Example: We had a meeting with the workers, and I think we've cleared the air now.

3 Cost an arm and a leg 极其昂贵

【英英解释】To be very expensive

Example: I love that fur coat. However, I don't think I'm going to buy it because it costs an arm a

nd a leg.

4 A bad egg 缺乏道德的人

【英英解释】Somebody who has no moral principles and should be avoided

Example: You mustn't lend Tim money, he's a bad egg. You'll never see him or your money again!

5 In the Bag 稳操胜券

【英英解释】Said of an achievement which is secure

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篇五 :绝望主妇经典台词

1. Every storm brings with it hope that somehow by morning, everything will be made clean again. And even the most troubling stains will have disappeared. Like the doubts over his innocence, or the consequence of his mistake, like the scars of his betrayal, or the memory of his kiss. So we wait for the storm to pass hoping for the best, even though we know in our hearts some stains are so indelible, nothing can wash them away. 每随风暴而来的是希望——无论如何,到了早晨,一切都会变干净,即使最顽固的污点也会消失,像对清白的疑惑,错误的结果,背叛的创伤,亲吻的记忆。我们等待着风暴退去,期待着雨过天晴。即使我们清楚在心中,有些污点是如此顽固,没有什么能将他们清楚。

2. Everyone understands the nature of war, we also understand that victory depends on the cards that we have been dealt. Some when faced with a bloody battle simply give in, but for some surrender is unacceptable, even though they know it would be a fight to the death. 每个人都清楚战争的本性,我们也知道胜利取决于我们打出的那些牌。有些人在面对血站会从容放弃;但是对某些人来说投降是无法接受的,尽管他们清楚面前是决一死战。

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篇六 :绝望主妇经典台词

Desperate Housewives S05E01

It will happen to all of us eventually the moment will come when we ask ourselves. Where did the time go? How did the children I once cradled grow up so very quickly? How did the life I dreamt of turn into a career I never expected? And how did that woman I saw each day in the mirror become someone I don’t even recognize? It goes by so quickly. In a flash, the life wo knew is gone

forever. And we’re left to ask ourselves. How could he have left me? When did my beauty start to fade? Why has my friend changed? Was I the best mother I could have been?

Of course, there are some people who understand how quickly time passes. That’s why they’re so determined to get what they want before it’s too late.


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篇七 :绝望主妇经典台词

Sooner or later, the time comes when we all must become responsible adults and learn to give up what we want so we can choose to do what is right. Of course, a life time of

responsibility isn't always easy. And as the years go on, it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to bear. But still, we try to do what is best, what is good –not only for

ourselves…but for those we love. Yes, sooner or later, we must all become responsible adults. No one knows this better than the young.



We think of the past as water under the bridge, a current that carries away the mistakes of our youth. The loves we lost…The addictions we gave into…The opportunities we threw away… But sooner or later, reminders drift back into our lives…Of the mistakes we made…And the sins we committed.

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篇八 :绝望主妇中经典的句子

Everyone understands the nature of war, we also understand that victory depends on the cards that we have been dealt. Some when faced with a bloody battle simply give in, but for some surrender is unacceptable, even though they know it would be a fight to the death.


The world is filled with unlikely friendships. How did they begin, with one person desperately in need and another willing to lend a helping hand. When such kindness is offered, we are finally able to see the worth of those we have previously written off, and before we've known it, a bond has formed, regardless of whether others can understand it. Yes, unlikely friendships start up everyday, no one understands this more than the lonely, in fact, and it’s what they count on.

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