篇一 :whoo后 供辰享水-水妍平衡系列

whoo后 供辰享水-水妍平衡系列


套盒包含:水150ml + 乳液110ml+面霜20ml(啫喱状)+津面霜20ml(乳状)






适合缺水肌肤 干燥肌肤 肌肤敏感 经常泛红的小伙伴也可以使用


后WHOO家2月份推出了水研补水水乳两件套装~这款算是WHOO 品牌中价格最亲民的了,绝对是一款超值的套装~


敏感肌和皮肤薄容易泛红的亲也可以放心使用~绝对值得选择的一款特惠套盒哦~搭配同系列水研面霜 效果更佳~



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篇二 :too cool for school泡沫洁面使用心得有必要写写咯

这几天朋友来家里做客,不经意之间聊起了护肤方面的事.朋友是个护肤达人想叫他推荐我一款洁面的东东所以就向她讨教了一番,她给我推荐了一款too cool for school泡沫洁面一听到这个就想起自己还用过同款面膜呢也算是因此结缘了哈哈哈,说过几天就给我拿过来,作为外貌协会一员,刚看到这货的外观就无法自拔的爱上了好嘛(>﹏<)淡蓝色金属灌装手绘字体设计,喜欢这种简单的东东.味道属于清香型的,清洁力度不能代替卸妆但作为卸妆后的洁面是完全ok的用之前要轻摇挤乒乓球大小的量(量还不能太少,任性!)用完脸上水分很平衡,完全木有紧绷感.真心给个赞了.和面膜相比这个洁面更让我惊艳,泡沫细腻到用手可以捏起来,涂在脸上感觉有热热的能量在清洁每一个毛孔,洗完就很干净了,然后有傻傻哒跑去问问度娘,有这么三大特点:质优.清爽.温和(以下内容是百度来的←.←)




没错以上就是我百度到的结果 道道还挺多~

不过网上各种价都太多了,大家一定要仔细去辨别一定要选择正品 不要因为一点小便宜就去乱买乱弄乱护肤,我是自己使用之后觉得好才推荐的有想交流的也可以来找我V:yss96725毕竟我以后也要做个护肤小能手了哈哈哈哈哈 ~就酱咯

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篇三 :Photoshop常用的设计心得和软件使用技巧

免费素材 ew2








免费素材 ew2








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篇四 :Book Report on The Sorrows of Young Werther

Book Report on The Sorrows of Young Werther

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is a German poet, novelist, playwright, courtier, and natural philosopher, one of the greatest figures in Western literature. In literature Goethe gained early fame with The Sorrows of Young Werther, but his most famous work is the poetic drama in two parts, Faust.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born in Frankfurt am Main, the first child of a lawyer Johann Caspar Goethe, and Katherine Elisabeth Textor, the daughter of the mayor of Frankfurt. Goethe had a comfortable childhood and he was greatly influenced by his mother, who encouraged his literary aspirations. Due to troubles at school, he received education at home. At the age of 16, Goethe began to study law at Leipzig University (1765-68), and he also studied drawing with Adam Oeser. In 1774 he published his first novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther, in which he created the prototype of the romantic hero, who wears blue coat and yellow breeches and commits suicide. The novel, written in the form of a series of letters, depicted the hopeless affair of a young man, Werther. Goethe's model was Charlotte Buff, the fiancee of his friend, whom he had met in Wetzlar in 1772.

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篇五 :Phone is combined with a photographic mobile phone









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篇六 :鬼子来了 观后感The Review of The Hinomoto Onikos are coming

The Review of The Hinomoto Onikos are coming

The movie named The Hinomoto Onikos are coming, directed by Wen Jiang, tells a story occurred in the Anti-Japanese War, and the content is about a group of Chinese famers and the Japanese aggressors.

It was the spring festival of 1945, when the Anti-Japanese War nearly ended. In a dark night, a person “I” burst in the house of Third Ma, who is an ordinary, frank and traditional famer. “I” leaved a Japanese sergeant and a Chinese interpreter as the captures, and asked Third Ma guard the two soldiers without any mistake, until “I” back and take the person off. The misfortune was leaved too. Third Ma didn’t know who is “I”, because of the fear, he had to find a solution to guarded the two enemies. It is a hard time. The Japanese checked up the village every day, and the two captures always attempted to run away. What’s worse, “I” didn’t appear at the appointed date, so he had to find more food for them in that hungry time.

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篇七 :时事新闻摘抄:Satellite Photos Show Most of Syria Without Lights

Satellite Photos Show Most of Syria Without Lights

More than three-quarters of the lights in Syria have been extinguished since the internal conflict began four years ago this month, according to an analysis of new satellite imagery released on Wednesday.

Scientists based in China analyzed nighttime satellite images and found that 83% of lights had gone out. The study was backed by 130 international NGOs that are part of the #withSyria coalition, which aims to raise awareness about the ongoing conflict.

“What is happening on the ground in Syria is a humanitarian and human rights catastrophe of the first order,” said former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who briefed the media on the results of the analysis. “I believe it is the single most important issue in the Middle East today, yet it sometimes feels as though the world has forgotten about it.”

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篇八 :微软Win8应用商店放假安排:12月22日-1月1日 - Windows Store,Win8应用商店,Windows应用商店

微软Win8应用商店放假安排:12月22日-1月1日 - Windows Store,Win8应用商店,Windows


: Shop of Microsoft Win8 application has a holiday arrangement: On December 22 - on January 1 on December 4 message, microsoft announces Windows Store to have a holiday in the guest of Windows Store rich that faces development staff timeline, win8 application development person please particularly advertent below, ought to make good application ahead of schedule submit a plan. Will arrive on December 22 during January 1, windows Store group will have a few employee to be stationed only, major group member will spend vacation in all with family. During this, microsoft still is met examine and verify and attestation application, but time-consuming meeting is a few longerer. If want to let apply before holiday to obtain attestation, microsoft suggests developer should begin to submit application immediately. If be unessential,update, microsoft suggests developer arrangement arrives after January 1. Love Win8, go up the home of soft intermediary Win8, forum of bubble Win8 Chinese, play Win8 to optimize a Great Master. Share:

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