篇一 :八年级英语第一次质检试卷


姓名__________ 班级_________ 学号_________ 总分__ _ _____

Listening Part 20分



( ) 1.Where?s Dave going for vacation?

A.To the zoo. B.To the aquarium. C.To the mountains.

( ) 2.When is Wang Yan going to Hong Kong?

A.Next week. B.This month. C.Next month.

( ) 3.Who lives in New York?

A.Bob?s uncle. B.Bob?s grandma. C.Bob.

( ) 4.Peter feels .

A.relaxed. B.tired C.excited.

( ) 5.Where is Ann going?

A.Greece. B.Spain. C.Canada.



( ) 6.What kind of book does the boy want to borrow?

A.About science. B.About English. C.About history.

( ) 7.How long can the boy keep the book?

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篇二 :七年级英语质检


班级姓名座号 评分第一部分 基础知识运用 (65分)


( )1. —____ is the letter from?

—It’s from Mike, my pen pal. A.Where B. How C. Who ( )2. —Tom speaks English. ____ Jane ____ English, too?

—Yes, she does. A. Do; speaks B. Does; speak C. Do; speak

( )3. I often help my mother cook ____ in the morning.

A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner

( )4. —Could you please ____ me your name?

—Sure. My name is Kate. A. to say B. say C. to tell ( )5. —Does your uncle work ____ a farm? —No, he doesn’t. He works ____ a restaurant.

A. on; on B. on; in C. in; in ( )6. —Your brother is very cute. —Yes, ____ is. We all love ____.

A. he; him B. he; he C. him; he

( )7. —Does Helen speak English ____? —Yes. Her English is very ____.

A. good; good B. well; well C. well; good

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篇三 :遥感实习报告



( 20##-20##学年 第一学期)


学    号:

姓    名:



□  优秀:格式完全符合规范要求,内容完整,图表规范美观;实验原理清楚,实验步骤合理,结果正确;严格遵守实验纪律,按时上交实验报告。

□  良好:格式符合规范要求,内容完整,图表规范;实验原理较清楚,实验步骤合理,结果正确;遵守实验纪律,按时上交实验报告。

□  中等:格式基本符合规范要求,内容较完整;实验原理较清楚,实验步骤基本合理,结果正确;能遵守实验纪律,能按时上交实验报告。

□  及格:格式问题较多,内容基本完整;实验原理较清楚,实验步骤基本合理,结果基本正确;能遵守实验纪律,能按时上交实验报告。

□  不及格:格式问题突出,内容不完整;实验原理不清楚,实验步骤欠合理,结果不正确;有抄袭现象,不遵守实验纪律,未时上交实验报告。


                                         2015年 11月 5日 

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篇四 :电子鼻用于水果品质、成熟度等鉴别的应用总结


摘要电子鼻具有客观、准确、快捷、全面地评价气味并且具有不破坏样品和重复性好的特点, 电子鼻可以通过对水果挥发性成分的响应实现对果蔬品质的检测,因此可运用于对水果品质评价体系中。报告介绍了电子鼻技术软、硬件工作原理和常用的模式识别算法, 并综述了电子鼻在水果成熟度监控、货架期预测、区分不同品种以及危害分析中的应用。






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篇五 :MOS管的极性 与三极管的差别












由于人体感应的50Hz交流电压较高,而不同的场效应管用电阻档测量时的工作点可能不同,因此用手捏栅极时表针可能向右摆动,也可能向左摆动。少数的管子RDS减小,使表针向右摆动,多数管子的RDS增大,表针向左摆动。无论表针的摆动方向如何,只要能有明显地摆动,就说明管子具有放大能力。 本方法也适用于测MOS管。为了保护MOS场效应管,必须用手握住螺钉旋具绝缘柄,用金属杆去碰栅极,以防止人体感应电荷直接加到栅极上,将管子损坏。

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篇六 :Argumentative Essay on Automation Technology Change and Its Consequences

Argumentative Essay on Automation: Technology Change and Its Consequences

Automation is the substitution of self-operating machinery or electronics for manual or animal effort to support or control a broad spectrum of processes. Examples range from automatic teller machines, to robotic farm tractors, to securities transactions, and beyond. Henry Ford's use of the conveyor belt to produce Model T Fords in the early 1900s was a precursor to today's assembly lines that feature robotic assembly stations and automated inventory control, testing, and defect detection, all of which can be quickly reconfigured to accommodate variations of car models. Information technology is a form of automation used to process data, transmit information, or handle transactions, such as to order merchandise, buy or sell securities, or make hotel reservations.

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篇七 :The Research of Chinese and Western Names in Cross-cultural Communication(论文读书笔记)

The Research of Chinese and Western Names in

Cross-cultural Communication

1. Background: The name culture has inevitable influence and indispensable impact on the daily interactions of the population of the East and West. Doing research on the differences and similarities of the name culture of the East and West is of great significance in cross-cultural communication to enhance the bilateral cultural exchange, communication, and mutual understanding. Name culture has been increasingly applied in real life.

Taking the aspect of the origins, development and constitution, this article does search on the history, culture ideas, religion (Christian), way of thinking, concept of the family, values and worldviews of Western and Chinese names. Describing the similarities of Western and Chinese names, listing the differences of them and analyzing the reasons, describing the impact on bilateral communication of the differences to avoid misunderstanding, I would like to promote cultural integration and to improve the level of cross-cultural communication.

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篇八 :Considerations about The Road Not Taken and its Inspirations

Considerations about The Road Not Taken and its Inspirations

Robert Frost's poem "the road not Taken" is credited as the most analyzed, anthologized and quoted poem in the history of American poetry. This poem was published in the year 1916 and is published in the Mountain Interval collection (Frost, 56). The poem exudes two different forms of interpretations: the literal and implied. The literal interpretation promotes individualism as well as non-conformity. The content of the poem reveals a formal as well as moralistic content. The last three lines of the poem are most famous of the poem and form the message of the poem. Frost himself referred to the poem as amongst the tricky poems he has ever written. This trickiness is attributed to the time frame of the poem as well as the different interpretations of the words "sigh" and "difference". The title itself presents an enigma that if the poem is indeed about the road not taken, does the writer finally take it or does the road refer to the one which most people take and the poet does not take? Another trick which lies in the message is the fact that it does not quite matter the road taken since even when a person looks down to the bend, the actual road to be followed cannot be quite chosen

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