篇一 :UN38.3(Rev.5)相关改动


United Nations《关于危险货物运输的建议书 试验和标准手册》 (Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods: Manual of Tests and Criteria) Rev.5版本已于20xx年12月31日发布,其将取代现行的版本Rev.4-2003。据相关消息,部分国家和地区运输监管部门已开始使用该新版本,但也有部分地区将于20xx年1月1日开始施行。在新版本《试验和标准手册》里面,其中的第38.3节针对锂金属和锂离子电池的检测要求还是有比较大的改动。与UN38.3的原版本 Rev.4-2003 相比,新版本的主要改动内容如下:

1. 对于大型电池及电芯的定义有明显的变化:




2. 在新版本Rev.5中取消了原版本中锂当量含量的定义。对于锂离子电池及电芯,改为采用额定瓦特小时数据来表示,额定瓦特小时定义为电池(电芯)的额定容量与额定电压的乘积。

3. 与Rev.4版本相比,新版本Rev.5中所包含的测试项目及测试方法、判定标准等内容并无变化,但各个测试项目所要求的电池或电


表1 UN38.3新旧版本标准电池或电芯数量及状态要求一览表




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篇二 :How chinese language and culture influence our thinking(论文)

How Chinese Language and Culture Influence Our Thinking

For a long time, the idea that language and culture may shape our thinking was considered amongst people including linguists, literature scholars, historians, sociologists. Then how language and culture influence our thinking? Recent years, plenty of researches have begun to unravel it. This paper aims to analysis it on the basic of Chinese Language and Culture.

The Influence of Chinese Language

Chinese language is the mode of our thinking. For example, when considering something, we Chinese combine the outline about this thing and describe it deeply in one specific aspect in our mind by Chinese language unconsciously. This is an instinct which is actually determined by our mother tongue. As a result of that, some speech habits, such as what follows in this paragraph, would certainly affect our thinking, which is worth to take more considerations.

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篇三 :参会邀请函 含回执Invitaion for China Sourcing Conference (including confirmation receipt)

From:  China Council for International Investment Promotion (CCIIP)

Academy of Contact Center and BPO (ACCB)

“首届中国(广州)国际服务外包合作发展交易会 ”


 Invitation of China Sourcing Conference

 (Guangzhou) 2012

尊敬的     先生/女士

Honorable guest,


You’re warmly welcome to China Sourcing Conference (Guangzhou) 20## in Feb 28—29, 2012, sponsored by China Council for International Investment Promotion (CCIIP) and Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, and organized by Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangzhou Municipality. You’re also special guest of telecom session hosted by Academy of Contact Center and BPO.

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篇四 :Unit12-话语节奏English Pronunciation and Intonation英语语音课文要点

Unit 12

Rhythm of English Speech



言语节奏指的是人们在说话时胸部肌肉收缩和放松产生的节奏, 是指人们感知为响亮高峰音或节拍的重音所形成的模式。语言学家将言语节奏分为音节定时节奏和重音定时节奏两大类:每个音节出现的时间间隔相等的为音节定时节奏,重读音节等时重复出现的为重音定时节奏。法语通常被认为属音节定时节奏语言,汉语的普通话也具有按音节定时的趋势。英语则通常被称为按重音定时的。

英语话语的重读规律是: 重读与非重读音节相间出现。重读音节与紧跟其后的非重读音节一起组成重音组。在不受迟疑(可使人说话速度放慢)或激动(可使人说话速度加快)等因素影响的情况下, 话语中重音之间的间隔时间大致相等。也就是说,根据英语的节奏规律,话语说起来所需的时间不决定于它有多少个词,多少个音节,而决定于它有多少个句子重音。假如句子重音之间的非重读音节数多,结果必然是说起来要快一些,含糊一些。同时,为了求得这种“大致相等”,话语中单词的发音也可能由于受到语言环境的影响而产生不同程度的变化。例如,在以下这个句子中共有重读音节四个,这些重读音节之间所含的非重读音节数分别为:两个、三个、四个,但在话语中,人们的感觉是:重读音节出现的间隔是大致相等的。

Do you 又比方,下列几个句子的音节数不同,但所含重读音节数相同, 因此, 在说话速度相同的情况下,完成句子所需的时间亦大致相等:

John is here now.

John will be at home tonight.

The professor is in London this evening.


一、 句中重读音节相继出现的地方,通常语速会慢一些, 音节听起来自


二、 重读音节之间拥挤着出现的非重读音节听起来轻快而且含糊。

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篇五 :肯尼迪就职演讲背景分析 The Background Meaning in John F.Kennedy Inaugural Address

The Background Meaning in John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address

摘要:肯尼迪是美国历史上最年轻的总统,他的当选代表了二战后的年轻主张.肯尼迪的就职演讲被认为是美国总统就职演讲中最为精彩的篇章之一,其语言简明、结构巧妙, 内容也反映了当时的政治,文化,社会背景,值得我们探究学习。


Abstract:  Kennedy was the youngest person elected U.S. President .His presidency came to represent the America youthful idealism in the aftermath of World War II. And Kennedy’s address was considered as one of the most wonderful in American history, the words in it is short, well-organized, inflected the political, culture, social background, and his sentences were worthing study.

Key Words: Inaugural address; Rights; Nuclear power.

President Kennedy was an excellent speaker and writer; Kennedy's speech object is global ,does not only aimed at the American citizen, moreover in view of international judgment. He applied various historics. Such as, alleles, repetition, alliteration, antithesis, metaphor, synecdoche. And he used the first person, let people in the same standpoint, feel comfortable, so make it easy to win their support. He aroused American's sense of pride and responsibility, enabled the speech having strong sedition .In his address, we can learn the political, social, cultural situations at that moment; appreciate the art of his language.

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篇六 :Argumentative Essay on Automation Technology Change and Its Consequences

Argumentative Essay on Automation: Technology Change and Its Consequences

Automation is the substitution of self-operating machinery or electronics for manual or animal effort to support or control a broad spectrum of processes. Examples range from automatic teller machines, to robotic farm tractors, to securities transactions, and beyond. Henry Ford's use of the conveyor belt to produce Model T Fords in the early 1900s was a precursor to today's assembly lines that feature robotic assembly stations and automated inventory control, testing, and defect detection, all of which can be quickly reconfigured to accommodate variations of car models. Information technology is a form of automation used to process data, transmit information, or handle transactions, such as to order merchandise, buy or sell securities, or make hotel reservations.

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篇七 :The Joy Luck Club conflict and reconciliation of Chinese and Western cultures答辩陈词

Good afternoon, all the appraiser committee members. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to attend the oral defense. I am Xieyuan from the 2012 transferred students and my supervisor is Lihui.

With her sincere and intellectual guidance, for nearly six month's hard work, I have finished my paper. I will briefly introduce my thesis and welcome any suggestion.

The title of my paper is The Joy Luck Club - conflict ? reconciliation of Chinese and Western cultures. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons.

Firstly, I am a fan of 俞飞鸿, who is one of the main actors of the movie The Joy Luck Club. It is just the wonderful movie that makes me interested in the original work.

Secondly, I’m interested in the differences between Chinese and Western culture, which shows a lot in this movie and the original novel.

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篇八 :发热测试报告(NK-126A)散热铝测试报告




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