篇一 :代写留学申请书



首先要知道引证和参考文献有什么区别。 当你在撰写学术论文时,参考、借鉴他人的科研成果是很正常的,也是必需的,在文献综述当中就已经体现了。列在论文最后的参考文献,论文当中在参考的时候有的是借鉴了核心观点,有的是借鉴了论证方法,有的是对文章进行了综合分析等,吸取精髓,写作者主要是领会。引证是作者在陈述某一现象,解决某一问题,论证某一观点的时候具体地对文章当中需要的部分进行小段的摘抄。引证可以是属于文献参考,但是文献参考并不一定就是引证了。

其次要知道引证的格式。 准确来说,注释是对文章当中的某个词的解释,这个词也许是读者不知道或不熟悉的,比如新产生的,比如外来翻译的,比如经典古籍中的生僻词等。注释一般有尾注和脚注,尾注就是在就是将所有要注释的编上序号,在文章末尾列出;脚注是对每一页上要注释的从1开始编号,在页尾列出。






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篇二 :出国留学申请书中英范文
















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篇三 :出国留学申请书范文




20xx年至今出出国荣任中国企业联合会理事特约教育顾问、教育中介机构委员会特约培训师机构,被评选为“保护消费者权益315信用品牌”。两年间出出国接受了中国教育台《学海风云录》专题报道、CCTV《学无止境》专访、新浪教育频道专访、北京青年报报道等。 下面就是几点对如何写好留学申请书的要求:


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篇四 :留学申请书范本 中英文


I am a student, graduated from BaoYang middle school, Nanning, GuangXi autonomous region, in 2006. I am still studying in high school now, because I was not enrolled by the ideal university last year. Recently, I have a dream to study abroad. Then I search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to New Zealand for study.

First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world. Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which I think is mo

re reasonable for me. Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar with the climate of the South of China. Considering above reasons, I told my parents my plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.

As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young. Nowadays, Chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education. If I study specialized curriculums on preschool education, I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leaving college.

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篇五 :20xx留学申请推荐信标准格式及注意事项




August 22, 2014 插入具体日期

The Graduate Admissions Office 录取办公室 Harvard Business School 申请学院 MBA Admissions Dillon House Soldiers Field 学院地址 Boston, MA 02163

Dear Admissions Officer, To Whom It May Concern,

As Dean of …,it is with great pleasure that I recommend Mr. Wang for admission into XXX program at XXX University.

I am delighted to write this recommendation letter to support Mr. Wang’s application to the XXX program at XXX University.

I am truly enthused about recommending Mr. Wang for admission into…

If you need any further information about him, please do not hesitate to contact me.

If you would like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards, 也可为 Sincerely yours, Sincerely, 推荐人姓名 Dr. Wang Laoshi 亲笔签名 Signature 职称,学院 Dean, School of Economics 所在学校 Peking University 学校地址 No.5 Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, PR China 100871 推荐人邮箱

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篇六 :留学申请书范文


Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s “reform and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. Though more and more companies built, management of companies cannot catch up with the development of the companies. Management is a burgeoning field in China, so I hope I can acquire more modern knowledge on management in England.
     The roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to my childhood.  My father was among the first of China’s new breed of modern entrepreneurs. As a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his business ventures, and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs. My mother was also involved in business as an accountant, helping him with simple calculations. And so it was early in my life that I hoped I, also, would someday be able to enter the realm of business.   
With the time of growing up, I preferred reading books to satisfy my curiosity. I never ceased to contemplate over the questions I encountered. Subjects on business and management became a special fascination to me and my knowledge of psychology as well as interest in this field was increasing rapidly.
      As a high school student in China, I had to concentrate on the College Entrance Examination (CEE), even so, books not related to the exams were never excluded from my life. Unfortunately when sitting in the exam in June, 2001, I was so nervous that I didn’t score well in the CEE exam. I enrolled in the department of Computer Science in Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Any attempt to persuade myself to focus on my major turned out to be a failure at the beginning of my college life. After several terms, I realized that I would never be interested in being a programmer or an engineer. At that moment, I lost my direction and objectives.
    My persistence in reading saved me from the dark situation. As a matter of fact, I enjoyed reading the books included Encyclopedia American, and some books about management by Peter F.Drucker. I began to notice something interesting: Why some companies can produce more than others? Why some company can sell more than others? Why some companies can build up but others cannot when facing the same difficulties?
    With the questions in my mind, I started to read many relevant books. I was lucky to read the book “Jack: Straight from the Gut”by Jack Welch,  in Which John A. Byrne makes a clear illustration that the management is important for a company. When I was a junior, I ran a bookshop by myself near my school. I should manage not only the finance in the shop but also the employees in my shop even made some strategies to enlarge the business in my shop to hold on the run the shop. From this, my interpersonal skills and the capacity in business has been greatly developed, definitely I was increasingly interested in what I was doing. By December, 2003, I had finally determined to take business management as my career instead of IT. To accumulate more relevant knowledge, I strived to gain more practical work experience in some big companies.  
       Fortunately, as a senior, I began by conducting an internship in the Architecture Company in Zhejiang Province. Over six months, I worked as an assistant of the manager to harmonize the relationship between the different departments in this company and to draft some management system, which broadened my perspective of management conditions and business performance in different industries.  The experience showed me that management is much more important than that of I thought in big companies. After graduation, I continued my work in this company. In May, 2005, the company offered me an opportunity to participate in an training program held by a famous management school. Through in-depth discussions with teachers and students in the classes, they all encouraged me to pursue my future career in management field because of my intellectual ability and the brand new ideas I mentioned.
During the short period of training, I realized that pursuing a higher degree in management is a wise choice for me now. Lancaster, with its excellence in management, represents the perfect fit for my needs. In your challenging environment, I can build the required foundation of knowledge related to management to achieve my goals. I am firmly convinced that your admission will be my first step of success. With this in mind, I hereby submit my application, and await your favorable reply.  

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篇七 :留学申请书英语范文





  Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s “reform and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. Though more and more companies built, management of companies cannot catch up with the development of the companies. Management is a burgeoning field in China, so I hope I can acquire more modern knowledge on management in England.

  The roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to my childhood. My father was among the first of China’s new breed of modern entrepreneurs. As a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his business ventures, and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs. My mother was also involved in business as an accountant, helping him with simple calculations. And so it was early in my life that I hoped I, also, would someday be able to enter the realm of business.

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篇八 :出国留学申请书英文范文——仅供参考

No.3, Wenyuan Road, Yadong new Area, Nanjing, P.R.China

School of Management Science and Engineering

Nanjing University of Finance and Economics

Nanjing 210023



April 23,2015

Byerly Hall, 8 Garden Street, Cambridge, USA

P.C:02138 Tel:(617) 495-1000 Dear Prof. XX: I'm Yang, a master candidate from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, P. R. China, supervised by Prof. Tang. And I ever contacted you for the password of your papers in the last time. I'm supported by a Chinese National Fund, which will support those PhD candidates in China to go abroad to some world class Universities of their fields. This programme will cover all living cost I need in USA. After I read a lot of papers of my research area, I understand that you are working on MAX phases and have published quite a lot of high level scientific papers. As such, you are the leading researcher in XX in the world. I find your area fits me well, so I write to you to see if you can give me a chance to study in your school. My CV and published papers have been attached.

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