篇一 :20xx考研英语 作文写作经典模板50句(一)


考研资料加油站 /601867084 注:横线部分可替换

1. ______is now being questioned by more and more people.


2. Although many people claim that, along with the rapidly economic development, the number of people who use ______are decreasing and ______is bound to die out. The information I've collected over the recent years leads me to believe that ______will continue to play extremely important roles in modern society.


3. experts point out that increasing______not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten to end human life on our planet.


4. In view of such serious situation, environmental tools of transportation like______are more important than any time before.

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篇二 :考研英语作文范文八篇



Write an essay entitled On-line Love Affair, your essay should meet the requirements below:

(1) its side-effect

(2) your viewpoints

You should write 160~200words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.


Although the popular belief is that internet increasingly plays an important role in our daily life, a current survey indicates that it has also brought some youngsters great disadvantages. They can do whatever they like, such matters as playing games, chatting. And some are even falling in love with chatters, which is called on-line love.

Fresh notion as on-line love is, it sounds ridiculous when analyzed profoundly. What these young people fail to understand is that both sides have not well acquainted with mutually. Some net friends are reported to have been deceived by those people who are doing some criminal activities per year through the internet.

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篇三 :20xx考研英语作文范文

高榜教育 高榜考研



Governments should definitely spend more money on improving all forms of public transportation. These include buses, subways and trains. This is the best way to preserve natural resources and reduce pollution.

As a planet, we’re dealing with a finite amount of natural resources. Once they're gone, they can't be replaced. They can't fill our need for oil and gasoline forever. But we seem to forget that and consume them at an incredible rate. In wealthier counties, some families have two or three cars. As soon as teenagers get their driver's licenses, they’re given cars so their parents won't have to drive them places.

Public transportation hasn't been sufficiently developed. Because of this, suburban areas surrounding cities have been allowed to sprawl more and more widely. This means that people can't even go to the store without having to hop into the car. Everything is too far away from where they live. If there were better and more frequent public transportation, people would be able to give up their cars for local driving.

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篇四 :考研英语作文模板(非常好)


模板一 使用不好的社会现象,传统美德、品质缺失类作文。



The cartoon jumping into my sight is fairly compelling. It features +名词结构 that 从句


Digging into this picture, we may effortlessly find/identify/grasp its hidden meaning that lies beneath the surface. Thirty-plus years into the reform and opening up, the Chinese society has reorganized itself in a way that puts an excessively high premium on /places a disproportionate emphasis on /economic growth over moral education/ /quality education. 或者根据话题转化,如环保。To be more specific, in a society that is being continuously transformed by material pursuits (immediate/short-term far too many matters, seemingly unimportant in the short run/ are fading is high on the list, which is exactly what the creator of this picture strives That is a sorry state of affairs.

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篇五 :20xx年考研英语作文经典范文汇总


  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

  1) describe the drawing briefly,

  2) explain its intended meaning, and then

  3) give your comments.

  You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.



  This drawing depicts a typical “little emperor” of a contemporary Chinese family. The fat son sinks comfortably into a soft sofa watching TV, while his father and mother, who are strikingly thinner, are feeding him watermelon and cutting his nails. No doubt, the boy is very spoiled being the center.

  Unfortunately, children who are brought up in such an environment may suffer hardships later. Because their life is always pampered, there is a great possibility that they would be unable to deal with any frustration or failure. Most of the children who are extremely pampered are arrogant and complacent, without the awareness of showing respect to others. This attitude can arouse others’ disfavor toward them. Furthermore, these children may find difficulty in sustaining themselves once detached from their families.

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篇六 :英语考研范文


写作能力不是突击几天就可获得的,写出一篇优秀的作文需要一个循序渐进的过程,除了掌握英文写作的一般知识外,大家平时应该多读、多练,不仅要在提高自己的英文语言方面下工夫,而且对一些社会热点问题要多思考以形成自己的见解,在考试时可以从“大脑的信息库”提取“观点”,而不至于无话可说。下面给出一些优秀的作文,作文形式基本上是四级的常见题型,供大家欣赏和借鉴。 范文1 "Good Health"

1.身体健康的重要性。 2.保持健康的途径。 3.我自己的实践。 Good Health

The desire for good health is universal. In our competitive society it is important to maintain good health. On the one hand, people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progress in work in turn contributes to their health and happiness. On the other hand, a sick person is usually not interested in

everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to become successful.

There are many ways to keep it. First, those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stress will affect their health. Second, enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become rested and refreshed. Finally, regular physical exercises benefit one's health a lot. So one

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篇七 :20xx年考研英语作文范文大全





  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. http://www.jingjifa.com.cn In your essay, you should.

  1) describe the drawing brieflywww.zhuzhouzk.com,

  2) interpret its intended meaning, and

  3) give your comments.www.zhuzhouzk.com

  You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)www.zhuzhouzk.com.


  20##年的大作文从总体上来看不难,因为它考查到了现在的一个社会热点。而且从十年的考研真题来讲,20##年的大作文考查到的是赡养老人的问题,当 年的图画是可怜的老父亲缩成了一只皮球,四个儿女守着四个球门,老人被儿女们踢来踢去。当年全国考生平均分10.88分,难度系数0.544,区分度为0.64764。当年的描述图画部分比较难表达,而今年图画描述部分相比起来就容易得多。下面我们就从写作的标准三段式来讲讲这三段我们应该怎么写。

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篇八 :考研英语作文范文155篇汇总

1、上大学的理由1.People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

People attend colleges or universities for a lot of different reasons. Career preparation is becoming more and more important to young people. For many, this is the primary reason to go to college, They know that the job market is competitive. At college, they can learn new skill for careers with a lot of opportunities. This means careers, such as information technology, that are expected to need a large workforce in the coming years.

Also, students go to colleges and universities to have new experiences. This often means having the opportunity to meet people different from those in their hometowns. For most students, going to college is the first time they‘ve been away from home by themselves. In additions, this is the first time they‘ve had to make decisions on their own. Making these decisions increases their knowledge of themselves.

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