篇一 :20xx外贸函电中的询盘、发盘_、还盘_接受范文


Dear Mr. Li,

Your firm has been recommended 1 to us by the Dickson Electrics Company, with whom we have done business for many years.

We are interested in your Electric Typewriters for use in offices and shall be glad if you will send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue 2 and current price list.

Yours sincerely,

Susan Block


A Reply

Dear Ms Block,

We welcome you for your enquiry of Fed. 1 and thank you for your interest in our commodities. We are enclosing 3 some copies of our illustrated catalogues and a price list giving the details you asked for.

We trust that you will agree that our products and price appeal to 4 the most selective buyer. And we also allow a proper discount 5 according to the quantity ordered.

Thank you again for your interest in our products. We are looking forward to your order and you may be assured 6 that it will receive our prompt and careful attention.

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篇二 :外贸英语函电范本



Dear Ms. Leung

Order NT-20717

Thank you for your fax of 17 January. We are extremely sorry to learn that an error was made in carton 13 of the above order.

The missing 9,000 ball pens were sent this morning by Cathay Airways and the documents have alreadly been forwarded you.

We greatly regret the inconvenience caused by this and the previous two errors and offer ore sincere apologies. We can assure you that every effect will be made to ensure that similar errors do not occur again.

Yours sincerely

Rob Subbaraman

Export Mangager

外贸 英语 函电词汇汇总

enquiry n. 询盘 ,询购

offer n.v. 报价,报盘

order n.v. 订购,订单

complicate v. 使复杂化

to ask for 请求 ;要价

to be liable to 易于---的

to put aside 放在一边

facsimile (fax) n.v. 传真,发传真 on the web 在互连网上

E-commerce 电子商务

pompous a. 浮夸的

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篇三 :外贸英语函电 写作范文 2





Dear Sirs

We have your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Japan Embassy in China. We have the pleasure of write this letter to you in the hope of establishing business relations with you.

To give you a general introduce of our company. Our company is one of the leading importers of mobile phones and enjoy a wide range of communication field .We have many years’ experience in this particular line of business and have concluded some satisfactory business all over the world.

We look forward to your early news in this connection and wish we could develop further business relations.

Yours sincerely

ZTE Communication Company




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篇四 :外贸函电 发盘

篇五 :外贸英语函电(第二版)课后翻译


Chapter Two

1. 我们从中国驻东京大使馆商务参赞处 得知贵公司的行名和地址并了解贵公司是经营家用电器产品有经验的出口商

We obtained your name and address from commercial counsellor’s office of the Chinese embassy in Tokyo. They have informed us that you are experienced exporter in the market for home electrical appliances.

2. 我们的一个客户对你们的新产品感兴趣

One of our customers is interested in your new production.

3. 我们的一个日本客户想要购买中国红茶

One of our customers in Japan wants to be in the market for black tea.

4. 如你所知我们的外贸政策是在平等互利的基础上与各国人民做生意

As you know, our policy is to trade with merchants of various countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

5. 我们希望你方尽最大努力促进业务又增进友谊。

We hope you can try your best to promote both trade and friendship.

6. 谢谢你方来函表示提供服务我方愿与你方就扩大贸易的可能性进行讨论。

Thanks for your letter about service supply, we are willing to talk about the possibility of promoting trade.

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篇六 :外贸英语函电范文

外贸英语函电范文 20xx年10月11日星期一

调查显示:我国外贸企业利用外贸平台找客户20xx年赢来爆发。推荐使用实惠网( )欢迎加入外贸交流QQ群:75877457



一般很多外企都会要求过CET4或者CET6,当然最好是过了英语专业八级,也就是TEM 8了。但是在实际工作中,企业最看重的还是于人沟通的能力,说英语的能力,也就是口语。 口语不仅仅包括日常口语的交流,还有专门的外贸口语,讨价还价,报价,争取客户。





3, 多去外贸论坛,如Fob上海外贸论坛学习

5, 借鉴别人的方法,同时形成自己独特的方法


1, 没必要专门全职去学习英语,学习英语不在于你每天可以花多少时间学习,而在于你能坚持多久

2, 在工作的过程中,留心地道的外贸英语的用法,记下来,找机会多用 3,如果你想学的话,在自学的基础上也一定要有一个朋友或者老师给你指导,这样可以少走很多弯路。




函电 (1)

今天的题目是: Self-introduction


Dear Sirs,

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篇七 :外贸英语函电 询盘 发盘 还盘

国贸1102 21


Dear Sirs,

Your firm has been recommended I to us by theShangHaiCompany, with whom we have do business for many years.

We are interested in your bicycleand shall be glad if you will send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue and current price list.

We trust you will give this enquiry your immediate attention and let us have your reply at early date.

Yours sincerely, Dear Sir or Madam:,

We welcome you for your enquiry of bicycle and thank you for your interest in our commodities. We are enclosing some copies of our illustrated catalogues and a price list giving the details you asked for.

We trust that you will agree that our products and price . And we also allow a proper discount 5 according to the quantity ordered.

Thank you again for your interest in our products. We are looking forward to your order . Yours truly

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篇八 :外贸英语函电范文1



Letters for Establishing Business Relations

1.Importer Writes to Exporter

Dear Sirs,

We have obtained your address from the

Commercial Counsellor of your Embassy in London and are now writing you for the establishment of business relations.

We are very well connected with all the major

dealers here of light industrial products, and feel

sure we can sell large quantities of Chinese goods if we get your offers at competitive prices.

As to our standing, we are permitted to mention the Bank of England, London, as a reference.

Please let us have all necessary information

regarding your products for export.

Yours faithfully,


1.commercial adj. 商业的,商务的

commercial counsellor 商务参赞

commercial counsellor's office 商务参赞处 commercial attache 商务专员

commercial articles 商品, (报上)商业新闻 commerce n. 商业

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