篇一 :mla



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篇二 :MLA-format有用的论文格式

MLA Format

Sample entries:

1. A book by a single author:

Fairbanks, Carol. Prairie Women: Images in American and Canadian Fiction. New Haven:

Yale UP, 1986.

2. An anthology or a compilation:

Nichols, Fred J., ed. and trans. An Anthology of Neo-Latin Poetry. Chapel Hill: U of North

Carolina P, 1987.

Sevillano, Mando, comp. The Hopi Way: Tales from a Vanishing Culture. Flagstaff: Northland,


3. Two or more books by the same person:

Borroff, Marie. Language and the Past: Verbal Artistry in Frost, Steven, and Moore. Chicago:

U of Chicago P, 1979.

—, trans. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. New York: Norton, 1967.

4. A book by two or more persons:

Beryy, Jason, Jonathan Foose, and Tad Jones. Up from the Cradle of Jazz: New Orleans

Music since World War II. Athens: U of George P, 1986.

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篇三 :外国语学院本科毕业论文格式及模板20xx.doc.deflate


(1)论文页眉与页脚按照此模板体例编写,需注意的是:正文中奇数页页眉为“2009届英语专业学士学位论文”,偶数页页眉为“学生姓名(中文名) 论文题目名(英文名)”。其他非正文部分应该有相应内容的页眉,具体内容见后模板示例。

(2)论文正文除有特殊字体字号要求的大小标题之外,一律用Times New Roman小四号,首行缩进4字符,行间距为固定值20磅。

(3)论文一律用A4纵向打印,上边距为2.5cm,左边距为 3cm,右边距为2cm,下边距为2cm,正文页码居中。








——MLA格式,参考文献格式用Works Cited列出,各文献具体格式见后范文批注。


单位代码 10642 密 级 公 开 学 号






学科专业:英语专业( )

提交论文日期: 年 月 日

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篇四 :MLA格式范文

Hua Su

Political Science 101, Section009

Professor Dighton M. Fiddner

24 March 2010

Brief Analysis of Cuban Missile Crisis

I think the people who have at least a little bit concern about the world issues should know the famous Cuban Missile Crisis. It has being discussed and studied over and over again by many scientists, scholars and experts since it happened. On October 15, 1962, United States reconnaissance discovered and had photos to prove that there were missile bases being built in Cuba. “One of the most startling of the thousands of photographs---some 30,000 feet of film in all---analyzed by the President and his advisers is this one of a fully operating medium-range missile base, manned by Russian technicians and able to shoot its missiles as far into the U.S. as Norfolk or Houston “(The Pictures That Spurred Us to Act)”. The next day, the president of United States was informed and organized a group of advisors, which is called Executive Committee of the National Security Council, short for EXCOMM, to discuss how to deal with this perilous event. In Cuba at that time, the government was led by communist Fidel Castro. He was afraid that the United States would attack Cuba again after the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion. So he agreed that Soviet Union, which was led by Nikita Khrushchev at that time, could put missiles in Cuba. Because Cuba and United States are so close to each other, the missiles in Cuba were

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篇五 :MLA 格式论文范文

MLA 格式论文范文


1 MLA 文献引用格式的基本描述:文学类论文通常使用MLA(Mden Lnguge Assiin)格式。作者在正文中用括号夹注的形式注明参考文献的简要出处,即(作者姓氏+页码)。

Anien ies ibued he invenin f he nhd Pyhgs, h lived in he sixh enuy BC (Muse 19)


Muse, Sibyl A Suvey f Musil Insuens Ne Yk: Hpe, 195

引语(Quins)的格式— 用方括号(sque bkes“[ ]”)和省略号(ellipses“?”)标明更动原文的地方。

— 短于三行的一句或者短于一句的引语应该写入正文,并且用双引号标明。 — 双引号表示直接引语,单引号只用来标注引语中的引语。 — 引语不得使用斜体或粗体来表示(书名除外)。 在任何情况下(即使引语仅仅只有一个单词):

— 句末、小句末的句号和逗号都必须放在引号之内(无论单引号还是双引号),

— 冒号(“:”)和分号(“;”)都必须放在引号之外, — 引文是疑问句则问号应放在引号之内,否则问号(“?”)应放在引号之外。 — 三行或以上的引语作为独立的引语段(blk quin)。 — 引语段可以用单倍行距,但其首行和末行应与正文空15行。 — 引语段左右两边均应较正文缩进5格或1个制表符(TAB)的距离。 — 如果引语段原为一自然段,则其首行应进一步缩进4至5格或1个制表符的距离。 — 引语段的段首和段尾不得使用引号。 — 引语段的字体必须与正文相同。 3.夹注(Penheil Ciin)的格式:

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篇六 :MLA论文文本规范


1.论文全文采用小四号Times New Roman(12号)字体:论文题目采用小二号 Times New Roman;中文题目采用小2号宋体。一级标题(章标题)采用16号Times New Roman,分别冠以I、II、III、IV、V等序号;二级标题(节标题)14号,分别冠以1.1, 1.2、2.1, 2.2、等序号;三级标题(节以下标题)均采用12号,分别冠以1.1.1、2.1.1等序号。所有标题加黑。

2. 论文正文采用段首缩进5个字符,单面打印;2倍行距。正文第一页加论文题目。

3.正文(包括附录和参考文献)页码标注格式为阿拉伯数字1 2 3….页码标注在页面底部居中。论文封面不标注页码。




第一部分:正文内引述 (In-text Citation: MLA Style)

[The formatting generally follows the latest Modern Language Association (MLA) style, including parenthetical references.*Parenthetical documentation means that in the text, only the author’s surname and the page number is given in parentheses following the quotation or any reference to another source. If the author’s name is given in the introductory statement to the quotation, only the page number is given in parentheses at (MLA一般不用脚注)The Works Cited page contains the full name of the author, the title of the book, etc. Internet sites frequently do not have page numbers, so that only the name of the author or web site is given in parentheses. Footnotes are used sparingly, and only to give additional information not suitable to include in the text.] (Julia Diterman) Ⅰ. MLA格式文内摘录一般用括号加注法:

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篇七 :参考范文2 MLA










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篇八 :毕业论文范文1_(MLA格式)

A Feminist Study of the Women in

Pride and Prejudice

A Graduation Thesis

Submitted to the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature

In Fulfillment of the Study of ENG4910

For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts


Shantou University

May 11, 2012

Title: A Feminist Study of Women in Pride and Prejudice

Author: XXX

Advisor: XXX (Professor)


The thesis aims at developing an insightful view on the situations of women as represented in Pride and Prejudice from the perspective of feminism. The novel offers us a miniature sketch of women in the early nineteenth century. The thesis attempts to explore social causes of women?s lower status, social constraints and dependency on men by analyzing man-dominated education, economic constraints and man-centered marriage for women in patriarchal society. It employs the theory of some feminist writers such as Mary Wollstonecraft, Simone De Beauvoir and Kate Millett in my analysis. In light of the feminist study of women in Pride and Prejudice, because of the oppression in education and economy, these women are marginalized in social life. They have to change their autonomy to docility and dependency. Marriage is the destiny designed for women. The novel does not point out another way to achieve the success of women, neither does it revolt patriarchy of the time. The seemingly happy ending actually reinforces the patriarchal system rather than the emancipation of women from it. Thus, the thesis not only provides the reader with a profound understanding of Austen?s Pride and Prejudice, but also helps the reader comprehend the true emancipation of women.

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