篇一 :石头与钻石作文评分细则及例文

作 文 评 分 细 则 及 标 杆 文











①正确认识自我;(从“石头”与“钻石”的角度看)②正确对待别人;(从“石头”的角度看)③要学会欣赏别人;(从“石头”角度看)④正确认识自我并善于借助外力以成就自我(彰显自身价值);吸收别人的长处并为我所用以成就自我(彰显自身价值)。(从“钻石”的角度看) 立意分为切题、基本切题、不切题三类。



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篇二 :高考寓言类新材料作文之《石头与钻石》作文讲评指导+例文+教案















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篇三 :20xx年钻石卡学员作文模板范文





As is vividly betrayed in the picture in front of us, it is like a bridge that bridges various gaps to be a road. Just like being conveyed in the set of drawing, the fact that the bridge stands for communication and the gully for misunderstanding among people nowadays profoundly indicates that communication plays an increasingly crucial role and becomes perhaps the only effective approach to disputes, with the world being considerably diversified.

To the popular mind, nevertheless, it is immediately assumed that when communication is argued , it is still communication among the old and the young generation .that is meant. In order to account for what has been mentioned before, several causes should be put forward. On one hand, always rebellious , young people are seemingly turning to be rather odd while their parents are quite embarrassed ,or even unbearable to see all these offbeat behaviors. On the other hand, children may deem parents to be conserved whereas parents may assume that the young are getting wild. No better illustration of this idea can be thought than the example discussed below, 例证.Consequently, no issue in china is basic to

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篇四 :20xx考研钻石班-某同学的作文批改

2012考研包过班 作文批改


What these two drawings above illustrate is a little flower,under the protection of the greenhouse,is in full bloom / Flourishing no matter how terrible the weather would be like, Of course, the opposite side of this phenomenon also exists.the beautiful flower is no longer growing in favorable condition.In no time will the flower die,if it can not adapt to the new circumstance.

Obviously, the cartoons intend to reveal the phenomenon-the youth lack of independence-which widely exists in our society.It is not uncommon that we graduates,when leave campus for position,have a sense of unfamiliarity and dissatisfactory,moreover escape from the cut-throat competition of job market or low-income, high strength work.Currently, young adults of our generation who are brought up without sadness and sorrow.Parents,all the time,drive their best efforts to meet the unreasonable requirement made by their only child.When we enter into school with the guidance of our teachers,we seldom independently copy with difficulties we have ever confronted.

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篇五 :20xx考研钻石班-某同学的作文批改

2012考研钻石包过班 作文批改 这是我的一个学员的写的作文,发给大家,供大家学习参考。我的qq 377960180 注明 考研钻石班

What these two drawings above illustrate is a little flower,under the protection of the greenhouse,is in full bloom / Flourishing no matter how terrible the weather would be like, Of course, the opposite side of this phenomenon also exists.the beautiful flower is no longer growing in favorable condition.In no time will the flower die,if it can not adapt to the new circumstance.

Obviously, the cartoons intend to reveal the phenomenon-the youth lack of independence-which widely exists in our society.It is not uncommon that we graduates,when leave campus for position,have a sense of unfamiliarity and dissatisfactory,moreover escape from the cut-throat competition of job market or low-income, high strength work.Currently, young adults of our generation who are brought up without sadness and sorrow.Parents,all the time,drive their best efforts to meet the unreasonable requirement made by their only child.When we enter into school with the guidance of our teachers,we seldom independently copy with difficulties we have ever confronted.

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篇六 :20xx新课标卷I高考优秀作文:钻石有价,我心泰然





经典之所以被奉为经典,就在于它的无需标榜,无人超越。19xx年那经典名著《西游记》的拍摄,使人们记住了那一张张传神俏皮的脸,记住了那一招招活灵活现的演绎,记住了那一次次翻上跃下的惊险传奇??孙悟空的扮演者六小龄童回忆说,当时拍摄,每集工资一百多,钱虽少,却从未抱怨,只是用心投入,没想到这部电视剧能大红大紫,家喻户晓。 成功往往源于没有在不应过分专注之事上分神,抛弃杂念,专心投入,收获的便是成功。 心之泰然,是成功之源,任他风雨飘摇,我自安之若素。



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篇七 :20xx考研钻石班-某同学的作文批改

2011考研钻石包过班 作文批改

What these two drawings above illustrate is a little flower,under the protection of the greenhouse,is in full bloom / Flourishing no matter how terrible the weather would be like, Of course, the opposite side of this phenomenon also exists.the beautiful flower is no longer growing in favorable condition.In no time will the flower die,if it can not adapt to the new circumstance.

Obviously, the cartoons intend to reveal the phenomenon-the youth lack of independence-which widely exists in our society.It is not uncommon that we graduates,when leave campus for position,have a sense of unfamiliarity and dissatisfactory,moreover escape from the cut-throat competition of job market or low-income, high strength work.Currently, young adults of our generation who are brought up without sadness and sorrow.Parents,all the time,drive their best efforts to meet the unreasonable requirement made by their only child.When we enter into school with the guidance of our teachers,we seldom independently copy with difficulties we have ever confronted.

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篇八 :海文钻石卡学员专用大作文模板doc



As is vividly depicted in the picture,(描述图画).The most striking feature is (图画重点信

息)。The status of the phenomenon as the focus of public concern mainly results from its profound

influence on individuals, and on our society.

As is symbolically revealed in the above picture(s), the deep implication profoundly indicates

that (从图画提炼出的核心信息

),which is important and fundamental to anyone who undertakes

great deeds. Nothing is more beneficial than (从图画提炼出的核心词) to overcome our defects

and improve our efficiency.

From what have been discussed above, it is, therefore, necessary that some effective measures are taken. On the one hand, we should keep learning more to acquire base. On the other

hand, it is demanding for us to take part in various activities to prove ourselves and strengthen

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