篇一 :cv-范文

Mr. Michael Wang

Add: Rm1902, Tower A Xinhua Building,

No. X Chang An Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Email: michael_wang001@seattle.com

Tel: 010-12345678


- 2002 - 2006 Peking University (The Faculty of Biochemistry), Bachelor Degree

- 1999 – 2002 No. 4 Middle School (Senior)

- 1996 – 1999 No. 4 Middle School (Junior)


Various courses including: Quality Assurance, The BS5750 Quality Approach, Team Leadership I & II, Time Management, Report Writing.


- Excellent in Mandarin

- Good at English writing, speaking and listening.

- Pass CET – 6


- Mastery of Microsoft Office Software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint & Outlook), etc.

- Pass the Computer Language C and National Computer Rank Examination Level 2

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篇二 :cv例文

Sample 1

Richard Anderson

1234, West 67 Street,

Carlisle, MA 01741,

(123)-456 7890.

Career Profile :

Manufacturing Financial Manager with over twenty years experience leading the financial functions of manufacturing operations with up to 300 employees and $50 Million in sales. Recognized for ability to identify continuous change actions to reduce cost, enhance quality, and increase margins. Supervised up to 13 direct reports with responsibilities in financial reporting, planning, forecasting, information systems, accounts payable, payroll, fixed assets, and general ledger. Led several IS conversions bringing in new systems on or ahead of schedule and on or below budget. Enjoy driving new improvements. Key strengths include:



? Process Improvement Leadership Financial and Operations Management

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篇三 :Cv curriculum vitae 范文

Covering Letter

I understand that your company is seeking a qualified individual to join your professional XXXXXX team and I would like to put my self toward to this position. I have recently graduated from XXXXXX University with a Bachelor’s degree of Commerce and have major in XXXXXX.

I have strong interests in the field of business and my areas of expertise lie in XXXXXXX.

During the years of studies, I have developed the skills to analyze and solve problems; the skills to make decisions under risk and uncertainty; the adaptability to different environment; and the ability to handle unexpected situations. I strongly believe that, learning with energy, enthusiasm and the eagerness is the key to succeed.

I understand that the university study scenario is more static and simpler than the real workplace. My target is to build up practical experience at the workplace and fully integrate my knowledge into the real situations.

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篇四 :emuch-套磁心得+MITcv模板

感受1. 我个人觉得文章和科研经历还是非常重要的,外导在看了我的CV后,我想他就心里可能就打算要我了。因为我有5年国内著名设计院的工作履历。后面要求发邀请函、研究计划和入学通知书等事情都非常顺利。

感受2. 一定要让外导知道自己的潜力,所以和外导套磁过程中一定要充分展示自己的想法,可以提及自己所做的科研以及可能可改进的地方,与外导一同讨论。

感受3. 加强联系渠道,大多数同学都只是使用Email。因为时差和回复的技巧性导致最后失败的不在少数,那么这是时候最简单最有效的途径就是电话。可以使用skype进行经常性的联系。要迅速回复邮件,机不可失。所以我经常在套磁的时候几天不合眼。将email与手机闹钟绑定,半夜2,3点钟起床回复邮件。

感受4. 多了解一些套磁的技巧,还是非常管用的。例如信件的名字要起的好,小木虫上已经有很多的经验了,我给所有的外导的信的题目都是Prof. XXXX,全部命中。然后至少强读5篇该外导的最新的论文,探寻他的科研热点,解读他的兴趣兴致所在。

感受5. 最重要的一点,坚持的力量是多么强大的,在任何时候都不能放弃自己的信念,想出国就一路走到底,我也是最后才确定将麻省理工作为自己的联培学校,并跟家人多次商讨一致决定的结果。CSC不成功,可以走全奖,所以我当初的设想是要是CSC失败了,我还是会申请出国的,而且博士阶段CSC的机会只有一次,要力求把握好的话,只能申请名校,要top5。



Email的subject:XX Prospective Visiting PH.D Student Financed by China Scholarship Council


Dear Prof.

My name is XXX, a 1st year Ph. D student from School of XXX, P. R. China, supervised by Prof. XXX, and my major is XX Engineering. I write this email to inquire whether an open position as a visiting Ph.D student is available.

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篇五 :cv的一流写法

cv的一流写法,海外留学和国内求职的同学们,可以参考 来源:

Covering Letter

I understand that your company is seeking a qualified individual to join your professional XXXXXX team and I would like to put my self toward to this position. I have recently graduated from XXXXXX University with a Bachelor’s degree of Commerce and have major in XXXXXX.

I have strong interests in the field of business and my areas of expertise lie in XXXXXXX.

During the years of studies, I have developed the skills to analyze and solve problems; the skills to make decisions under risk and uncertainty; the adaptability to different environment; and the ability to handle unexpected situations. I strongly believe that, learning with energy, enthusiasm and the eagerness is the key to succeed.

I understand that the university study scenario is more static and simpler than the real workplace. My target is to build up practical experience at the workplace and fully integrate my knowledge into the real situations.

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篇六 :留学英文简历CV模板



#29Jiuyanqiao Wangjiang Road, International Mobility office (East 111) College of Economics, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610064

Tel: +86 028 ********/+86 0 ***********

E-mail: ********@QQ.com

Personal Detail

Family name:

First name:

Gender: MALE

Date of birth:

Passport No.:

Nationality: China

Education 

** University (Chengdu, China) 2010—Current

Major: Master of Land Resource Management

Under postgraduate student 

** University (Ya’an, China) 2006—2010

Major: Master of Land Resource Management

Bachelor of Engineering 

*** High School of Chengdu (Chengdu, China) 2003—2006

Achievements and Qualifications

The Grade 2Certificate of Computer Programming 2007.12

For who have past the National College Students’ Computer Skill

Examination (Visual FoxPro) 

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篇七 :出国留学申请CV模板



CV,两个字加三个符号:Be Professional!!!










那么Pirate Radio(非常好看英伦摇滚电影 海盗电台)里面说,能承认错误的,才称得上是个男人。



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篇八 :CV范本

Personal Profile

在简历的顶头正中央处写明自己的姓名,并用大写加黑体标出。并且姓名下面写清自己的永久居住地址、邮编、电话和常用的电子邮件地址。另外,在简历的个人信息的写作中绝对不能用缩写。 Education


Professional Experience



社会活动 - 参加过的学校和社会活动, 活动名称,时间,担任的角色


技能 - 文艺,体育,电脑,语言或其他方面的特长


荣誉和奖项 - 得过的重要奖励,获奖时间

由于每个人的经历都是不同的,所以需要放在简历中的内容也是根据个人情况而定的。总的原则就是希望通过此份简历展现你的主要学习和工作经历,以及个人特长和亮点。个人简历由于篇幅有限,文字力求简练, 格式要清楚明了。


Name, Address, Phone & Email


Information architecture professional with over 9 years of experience working with Internet technologies.


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