篇一 :look的词组短语

? look after

1. 照顾

Looked after his younger brother.


? look for

1. 寻找;搜索

Looking for my gloves.


2. 希望

Look for a change of weather in March.


? look on 或 look upon

1. 认为,看待:用某种方式看待

Looked on them as incompetents.


? look out

1. 小心,当心;注意

If you don't look out, you may fall on the ice. We looked out for each other on the trip.


? look to

1. 期望

He looked to hear from her.


2. 看似将要;许诺做

“an ‘Action Program,’ which . . . looked to reduce tariffs on over 1,800 items”( -- Alan D. Romberg)

“一个?许诺削减1500种物品关税的‘行动计划’”( -- 艾伦D.龙伯格) ? look up

1. 查找:在参考书中寻找并找到

2. 拜访

Look up an old friend.


3. 变得更好;改善

Things are at last looking up.


? look one's age

1. 符合年龄

? look alive

? look before you leap

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篇二 :与look有关的短语

black looks 怒气冲冲的样子; 敌视的脸色; 恶狠狠的样子

blank look 毫无表情的神色, 发呆的样子

by the look(s) of it (=from the looks of it) [口]从外表看起来, 看样子 cannot look at [口]不是...的对手, 无法与...相匹敌

cast a look at 向...瞥了一眼

dirty look 鄙夷的脸色, 气愤的脸色

flash a look at 瞟...一眼, 向...瞥一眼

for the look of the thing 为了装点门面

gallows look 死刑犯的面相, 凶相

give a look [glance] 望一眼, 粗略地看一下

give a look in 顺便看看(某人)

give sb. a black look 对某人瞪一眼

good looks 美貌; 吸引人的仪表

hang-dog look [air] 垂头丧气的样子; 于心有愧的样子; 猥琐可怜的样子 have a look of 象..., 仿佛象...; 令人想起...的样子

in good looks 气色很好

in looks 在容貌上

new look (发式、服装等的)时髦样式, 新款式; 新面貌

not much to look at 外表不怎么好看, 相貌平常

steal a look (at sb.[sth.]) 偷看[某物]一眼

take a long cool[hard] look at sth. 冷静而仔细地考虑某事

upon the look 在搜寻中, 在寻找中

will[would] not look at 不屑一顾, 不去过问(某事)

wither sb. with a look 用侮慢的眼光把某人看得惶恐不安

look about [around] 四下里看, 环顾; 仔细观察; 全面调查

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篇三 :look 短语动词归纳

Look 短语动词归纳

1 . look after 照看,照顾,负责处理。

I can look after myself .

She's been looking after the luggage .

2 . look at 看 ( 问题 ) ,看待。

That's the way I look at it .

He looks at a question from all sides .

3 . look back ( on ) 回顾,回想 ( 过去 ) 。

I like to look back on my high - school days .

If we look back , we realize the changes the war has made . 4 . look down on/upon 看不起,蔑视。

I wish you wouldn't look down on this kind of work .

In her days women were looked down upon .

5 . look for 找寻,自找 ( 麻烦等。 )

I’ve been looking for you .

They're just looking for trouble .

6 . look forward to ( 跟名词/动名词 ) 盼望,希望。

They looked forward to seeing him again .

The children are looking forward to the New Year .

7 . look in 作短语时间的访问/参观, ( 顺路 ) 到某处去一下。 I'll look in this evening to see how he is .

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篇四 :look 的相关短语

look 的相关短语

1. look about/around/round环视,往四周看

2. look after 照看;照顾

3. look at(仔细)察看,检查;思考,考虑,研究

4. look back (on sth) 回顾

5. look down on/upon ... 轻视,看不起

6. look for寻找

7. look forward to (doing) sth盼望;期待

8. look into朝……里面看;调查

9. look like …看起来像

10. look on旁观

11. look on/upon … as …把……看成……

12. look out (for sb/sth)注意,提防,当心

13. look sth over查看;检查

14. look over one’s shoulder转过头来看

15. look sb in the eye正视/直视某人

16. look sb up and down 上下打量某人

17. look up 好转,改善

18. look up (from sth) 抬头看

19. look sth up in …(在字典或参考书中)查阅。

20. look up to sb钦佩;仰慕;尊敬

21. You don’t look yourself today.你今天气色不好。

through 的相关短语

1、get through接通;完成;通过

2、go through浏览;经历;检查,审查

3、break through突破

4、live through活过,经历……仍然活着

point 的常考点 (切题,中肯)

(离题,不切题 go/get/wander off the point ) 2. It is a turning point in his life. He is on the point of success.

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篇五 :look短语


look out:当心,小心

look out of:向…外面看

look after:照顾,照看 look through:浏览

look for:寻找

look over:检查

look up:查阅,翻字典

look like:看起来像

look forward to:期待着

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篇六 :以look开头的常用短语和词组

以look开头的常用短语和词组: look a gift horse in the mouth 对礼物吹毛求疵。 look about 四处寻找, 考虑, 察看。四处观看。 look about for 四下寻找。

look about one 察看自己的情况。

look after 目送, 寻求, 照顾, 关心。

look after number one [口语]照顾自己的利益, 为自己打算。 look ahead 计划未来, 预测未来。

look alive [口语]注意。 快点。 赶快。

look angle 视角。[航空]观测角。

look around (=look round)到处寻找,察看,观光,游览。 look as if butter would not melt in one's mouth 看来一本正经, 装得老实。

look as if one came out from a bandbox 装束得十分整洁。 look as if one came out of a bandbox 装束得十分整洁。

look as if one stepped out from a bandbox 装束得十分整洁。

look as if one stepped out of a bandbox 装束得十分整洁。 look askew at sth 对...不屑一顾。

look at 看, 考虑, 着眼于。

look at home 扪心自问。

look at the surface only 只看外表。

look away 把脸转过去。

look awry 斜视。

look back 回顾, 倒退。回顾,追忆。

look back from the plough 虎头蛇尾,

look back on 回忆。

look big 摆出一副了不起的样子。

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篇七 :look的短语集合

1. look about [around](1) 环顾四周。如:The man kept looking about. 这个人不停地环顾四周。(2) 随便看,到处看。如:A:What can I do for you, madam? 夫人,想买什么吗? B:No, I’m just looking around. 不是,只是随便看看。(3) 到处寻找。如:I’m looking about for a house. 我在找一座房子。(4) 仔细考虑。如:Look about carefully before making the decision. 先仔细考虑,然后再作决定。

2. look after 照顾,照料,关心。如:I can look after myself. 我能照顾自己。Who is looking after the luggage? 谁在照看行李?

3. look at (1) 看……,注视……。如:He looked at me and smiled. 他望着我笑了。Look at him jump [jumping]. 请看他跳。(2) 看待。如:That’s the way I look at it. 我就是那样看待它的。i-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; (3) 考虑(多用于含有否定意义的句子)。如:They refused to look at my suggestion. 他们拒不考虑我的建议。

(4) 检查。如:He came to look at the drainage. 他是来检查排水设备的。

4. look back (1) 回顾,回想。如:I still shudder when I look back on the past. 想起过去,我仍然不寒而栗。(2) 停滞,畏缩,倒退(通常用于否定句)。如:From this time on, he never looked back. 从此以后,他便不断进步。

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篇八 :20xx届高考英语 重点词汇归纳 look构成的短语复习剖析



look back upon/on 回顾,回想过去

I like to look back upon my high-school days. 我喜欢回忆我高中时的岁月。 Perhaps some day it will be pleasant to look back upon these days.


look as if /as though 看起来好像 look around环视四周 look after照顾;照看

look out当心 look behind回头看 look through浏览

look down向下看 look up 向上看;查寻 look into调查;研究

2、look at/stare at/glance at

look at 指把眼睛转向目标,译成“看,看着”;glance at 指“匆匆一看,一瞥”; stare at表示由于吃惊、害怕或深思而张大眼睛看,译成“盯着,注视,凝视”。对比: She stared at the footprint,full of fear.她两眼盯着脚印,满心恐惧。

I’d like to look at your photo.我想看看你的照片。

The middle-aged woman glanced at her watch and hurried off.


注意搭配:stare straight at 直直地盯着;stare into space 凝视着空中;

stare sb. in the face 盯着某人的脸看;stare sb.up and down 上下打量某人; - 1 -

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