篇一 :酒店前台工作总结

自学校毕业来xx宾馆工作,从一名客房服务员做到前台服务员,直到升为大堂副理,学到了很多在书本上没有的知识。以下是我XX年上半年工作总结 :




最后也是最重要的,微笑服务。在与客人沟通过程中,要讲究礼节礼貌,与客人交谈时,低头和老直盯着客人都是不礼貌的,应保持与客人有时间间隔地交流目光。要多倾听客人的意见,不打断客人讲话,倾听中要不断点头示意,以示对客人的尊重。面对客人要微笑,特别当客人对我们提出批评时,我们一定要保持笑容,客人火气再大,我们的笑容也会给客人“灭火”,很多问题也就会迎刃而解。多用礼貌用语,对待宾客要做到来时有迎声,走时有送声,麻烦客人时要有致歉声。与客人对话说明问题时,不要与客人争辩,就算是 客人错了,也要有一定的耐心向他解释。只要我们保持微笑,就会收到


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篇二 :酒店前台工作总结

Serve as the window of the hotel downstage, it is the first impression that the hotel gives a visitor. Above all we should maintain our best image, area area is smile, bouncy, with us the most beautiful one side greets a visitor, let every guest walk into a hotel to be able to experience our sincerity and passion. Next, pay close attention to guest be fond of. When the guest walks into a hotel, we want to say hello to actively, when appellation guest, if be frequent visitor is about accurate without the full name that speaks a guest by accident and post, this are very important, guest met what experience his for this respect and be taken seriously. We gather the information such as be fond of of the guest’s habits and customs, individual even, do his best contented guest, invite guest live every time inn, can experience accident surprise. Again, provide personalized service. When the guest deals with formalities, we can care a guest more, ask a guest more, if be nonlocal guest, can explain local local customs more to them, introduce the seat of station, bazaar, tourist attraction actively for them, enquire whether the guest is fatigue, apace does ace add, when the guest returns a house, guest room make the rounds of the wards needs to await a few minutes, do not let a guest standing at this moment, ask a guest to sit down to wait a bit, active inquiry guest lives how or it is right the hotel has what opinion, do not let a guest feel desolate he. Communicate further can make guest much portion sweet, a variety of discomfort that also can eliminate guest to be encountered in the place in the hotel. Finally also is the most important, the smile serves. In communicating a process with the guest, want to pay attention to ceremony courtesy, when chatting with the guest, lower one’s head and often staring at a guest continuously is clodhopping, should maintain with the guest time-interval ground exchanges a look. Want to listen attentively to the guest’s opinion more, do not break guest talk, the otherwise in listening attentively to breaks beck, in order to show the respect to the guest. Face a guest to want to smile, special when offerring criticism to us when the guest, we must maintain smile, guest anger is again great, our smile also can give guest “ put out a fire ” , a lot of problems also are met be readily solved. Multi-purpose and courteous diction, treat guest to want to do arrival to greet sound from time to tome, go to send sound from time to tome, there should be excuse reputation when troublesome guest. When with the guest the dialog shows an issue, do not argue with the guest, be guest fault, also want to certain patience explains to him. Want us to maintain a smile only, with respect to the result that can get expect to be less than. I think, pay attention to detail only, make from bagatelle, make from the a bit, ability can make our job more excellent. In the job, see mixed guest in and out everyday, provide different service for them, solve various problems. Work sometimes very tired really, but I feel very contented however, very happy. I very rejoice to oneself can walk up downstage this one post, the job that also is oneself feels clinking pride, my true him passion post, in the following job, I can do good individual job to plan, can create here hard piece those who belong to oneself is brilliant!

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篇三 :酒店前台工作总结







保证了接待中心的正常营业秩序。对待客人能够礼貌热情,友善微笑,对提出问题和建议能够耐心解答和虚心接受,并及时与相关单位积极协调和解决,妥善处理大大小小的客人投诉,得到了广大客人的好评。在对待同事方面,能够做到团结互助, 友善和谐,妥善处理好个人生活上的各种问题。





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篇四 :酒店前台工作总结范文

How does downstage job summary keep the public house? The individual thinks, when the hotel is writing the job to sum up downstage, answer around move service, smile these two keywords. It is much more profitless to say, have a public house below downstage job sums up model essay, offer reference only. From the school graduation comes guesthouse of abroad sea Xixi works, accomplish downstage clerk from clerk of a guest room, until rise for old hall assistant manager, acquired the knowledge that does not have on book more very much. It is me below the job summed up first half of the year 20xx: Serve as the window of the hotel downstage, it is the first impression that the hotel gives a visitor. Above all we should maintain our best image, area area is smile, bouncy, with us the most beautiful one side greets a visitor, let every guest walk into a hotel to be able to experience our sincerity and passion. Next, pay close attention to guest be fond of. When the guest walks into a hotel, we want to say hello to actively, when appellation guest, if be frequent visitor is about accurate without the full name that speaks a guest by accident and post, this are very important, guest met what experience his for this respect and be taken seriously. We gather the information such as be fond of of the guest’s habits and customs, individual even, do his best contented guest, invite guest live every time inn, can experience accident surprise. Again, provide personalized service. When the guest deals with formalities, we can care a guest more, ask a guest more, if be nonlocal guest, can explain local local customs more to them, introduce the seat of station, bazaar, tourist attraction actively for them, enquire whether the guest is fatigue, apace does ace add, when the guest returns a house, guest room make the rounds of the wards needs to await a few minutes, do not let a guest standing at this moment, ask a guest to sit down to wait a bit, active inquiry guest lives how or it is right the hotel has what opinion, do not let a guest feel desolate he. Communicate further can make guest much portion sweet, a variety of discomfort that also can eliminate guest to be encountered in the place in the hotel. Finally also is the most important, the smile serves. In communicating a process with the guest, want to pay attention to ceremony courtesy, when chatting with the guest, lower one’s head and often staring at a guest continuously is clodhopping, should maintain with the guest time-interval ground exchanges a look. Want to listen attentively to the guest’s opinion more, do not break guest talk, the otherwise in listening attentively to breaks beck, in order to show the respect to the guest. Face a guest to want to smile, special when offerring criticism to us when the guest, we must maintain smile, guest anger is again great, our smile also can give guest “ put out a fire ” , a lot of problems also are met be readily solved. Multi-purpose and courteous diction, treat guest to want to do arrival to greet sound from time to tome, go to send sound from time to tome, there should be excuse reputation when troublesome guest. When with the guest the dialog shows an issue, do not argue with the guest, be guest fault, also want to certain patience explains to him. Want us to maintain a smile only, with respect to the result that can get expect to be less than. I think, pay attention to detail only, make from bagatelle, make from the a bit, ability can make our job more excellent. In the job, see mixed guest in and out everyday, provide different service for them, solve various problems. Work sometimes very tired really, but I feel very contented however, very happy. I very rejoice to oneself can walk up downstage this one post, the job that also is oneself feels clinking pride, my true him passion post, in the following job, I can do good individual job to plan, can create here hard piece those who belong to oneself is brilliant!

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篇五 :酒店前台工作总结范文


前台是展示酒店的形象、服务的起点。对于客人来说,前台是他们接触我们酒店的第一步,是对酒店的第一印象,是酒店的门面,是非常重要的。所以前台在一定程度上代表了酒店的形象。同时,酒店对客人的服务,从前台迎客开始,好的开始是成功的一半。有了对其重要性的认识,所以我们一定要认真做好本职工作。 所以,我在过去的5个月我一直都严格依照酒店的规定。总结起来可以用以下的五个方面来说:





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篇六 :酒店前台工作总结



经过在前台工作的一周时间里,我对前台的工作已经有了一个清晰的思路,对酒店前台所涉及到的各项工作也已经了解,现作如下总结: 前台是一个酒店的门面,是客人对酒店形成第一印象的地方,是最先对客人产生影响并做出服务的部门。一家酒店的效率以及利润的创造,基本上都是从这里开始的。前台的服务基本涵盖了酒店所能够提供的所有服务项目,因此需要前台服务人员对酒店各个部门都有足够的了解,才能为客人提供满意周到的服务。


在这期间,我发现酒店的房卡和其他的酒店不一样,不是用房卡皮儿装房卡,而是采用便利贴这一种方式,这样操作即简单又实用,同时也节约了成本,体现了酒店节约的理念。这是值得继续发扬下去的。 在发现优点的同时,我认为酒店也存在一些问题,比如客人来到酒店开房入住时,不是酒店的会员,就不能享受酒店的会员价格。但是在这时服务员应该积极推销会员卡,让客人办理。可是在通过这一周的交流,我发现服务员不愿意让顾客办会员卡,原因是办了会员卡以后,此会员再来办理入住的时候提成就没有普通散客的提成高。我认为这会对酒店造成客流量的减少,利润减低的现象。服务员不能为了自己的个人利益,对酒店造成直接的影响。




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篇七 :酒店前台员工年终总结

不知不觉在这个酒店已经做了有半年时间,从刚开始对前台一去所知到现在独挡一面,我相信这里面除了我自己的付出与努力,更离开酒店给我所带来的培训,以及老员工和领导对我支持。半年时间里我学到了好多,“客人永远是对的”这句服务行业周知的经营格言,在这里被发挥到了极致。 酒店为了达到一定的财务目标,不但要客人的物质需求得到满足更要满足客人的精神需求。所以在做为酒店的经营者,往往对客人的要求,只要在不触犯法律和违背道德的前提下,都会最大化满足客人。所以从入职培训就会为员工灌输:“客人永远不会错,错的只会是我们”,“只有真诚的服务,才会换来客人的微笑”。 我一直坚信顾客就是上帝的道理,总是在尽可能的把我自己的服务做到极致。





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篇八 :20xx酒店前台年终总结

















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