篇一 :商务英语-报告

报告的写作提纲 Analysis and Forecast Report on Textile Manufacturing

[Key Words] Textile Manufacturing

Table of Contents

Chapter 1, General Situation in Textile Industry

1, Industry definition

2, Primary product

3, Primary statistic data

4, Importance of textile industry

5, Industry features

6, Lifecycle analysis

Chapter 2, Industry Structure

1, Industry product structure

2, Industry centralization degree

2.1 Enterprises centralization degree

2.2 Regions centralization degree

3, Industry business type structure

4, Structure of cost and expenditure


一般来说,商务英语报告的常见构成部分有:摘要(Executive Summary)、标题(Title)、导言(Introduction/ Terms of Reference)、材料收集方法(Methodology/Proceedings)、


(一)摘要(Executive Summary)

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篇二 :商务英语报告



主 题:对Unit 5报告(Reports)知识点的补充


内 容:

1. Introduction(概述)

The use of a report

Reports normally report the end product of thorough investigation and analysis. They present ordered information to decision-makers in various fields: business, industry, education, medicine, government, and etc.

A good report is about one clearly defined subject and is accurate and up-to-date. It includes everything the reader needs to know, and omits irrelevant information. It is easy to read and understand, and is clearly presented.



2. Types and contents of reports

It is important to remember that reports can be long, short, formal or informal. Generally, we divide the types of reports according to the length of reports: long reports and short reports. Short business reports also include two types: short report in letter/memorandum form and formal short report.

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篇三 :商务英文报告

The Nature of Competitive Market and Contestable Market

A . Compare

1 The Diversification of Retail Format

Western retail after a few circulation revolutions basically formed the department stores and supermarkets the two formats for the backbone levels and forms, At present basically have the following four types: one is the distribution centre as the foundation of the large supermarket chain, mainly through the distribution center radiation a batch of supermarket management network of the formation of the regional. The second is large supermarket as the core, in urban and rural or highway side, many of the stores connected scale shopping center. Three is a large department store is given priority to, including catering, entertainment, housing is a body comprehensive market, this is large and medium cities a major retail format. (Jackson, 20xx) Four is small and medium-sized supermarkets, Convenience store, discount store, boutique retail business network formed. According to the statistics, the global retail industry in the top enterprises in most business two to three kind of format, some enterprises in five formats even in business at the same time. (Viaene and Gellynck, 1995)

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篇四 :怎样写商务英语报告

怎样写商务英语报告 商务报告是指针对某种特殊的、有意义的商务目的,向一个人或多个人提供的公正、客观和有计划的事实陈述。报告中所陈述的事实必须与事件、条件、质量、进展、结果、问题或提议的解决方案有关,帮助当事人了解复杂的商业情况,计划进程,解决问题,使上级领导就一系列事件做出决策。

商务英语报告则是以英语语言撰写的商务报告。按种类划分,常见的有:事件调查报告(Investigative Reports)、意见调查报告(Survey Reports)、周报告(Weekly Reports)、月度报告(Monthly Reports)、进展报告(Progress Reports)、市场调查报告(Market Research Reports)、可行性研究报告(Feasibility Reports)等。尽管这些报告都有自身的特点,但它们都遵循商务英语报告总体写作原则。



? 内容准确无误:报告的正确性不仅仅是指英语语法、标点符号和拼写,更重要的是其内容要叙述的正确。报告的事实陈述部分既不能因哗众取宠而夸大其词,也不能因其涉及的令人不愉快的消息而低调陈述。实事求是、准确无误是报告写作的重要原则。

? 内容简明扼要:报告的长短一般取决于报告的内容及其正式程度。正式报告篇幅一般较长,而非正式报告则较短。不论何种报告,报告的语言必须简洁、流畅,切忌陈词滥调。一份拖沓冗长的报告不仅写时费力,对方阅读更浪费时间。撰写商务英语报告时要尽量避免罗嗦,用尽可能较少的文字,完整、清楚地表达需要表达的意。

? 结构清晰明了:用数字、符号标明段落、层次、要点等,加强逻辑性,使读者一目了然。

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篇五 :商务英文报告

On the Differences of Chinese and Western Food


II. Definition of Food Culture

Food culture is an important part of human culture .It has two definitions in broad sense and narrow sense .In the broad sense, food culture has something in common with cooking culture, and it is considered as the counterpart of the latter. Generally speaking, cooking culture refers to the total amount of material and spirit treasure which is created and accumulated during the long period of food production and procession by the human being. "It is about what food human makes and how to make ".It includes the food ingredient, cooking tool, cooking skill and so on. In the narrow sense, food culture refers to the sum-up of material and spirit treasure created and passed down in the long period of human eating the food product. It is about what human eat, and how to eat and why eat such food etc. It includes the variety of food, the tool uses in eating, the customs of eating, and the service of eating act. In a word, cooking culture come to birth in the course of food production and procession. It is a production culture, while food culture in the narrow sense is a kind of consuming culture, which comes to birth in the course of food consuming.

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篇六 :商务报告 英文

June 25, 2014

Dear Si Sir:

This report is on the deficiency of TaoBao’s credit during the transaction and its resolved ways.Aiming to this purpose,we conduct the questionnaire to the students of MinNanNormal University on the deficiencies of Taobao.Different students’ purchasing frequencies on Taobao result in the different level thoughts of its deficiency.

Then,we make the summary of their thoughts about Taobao’s credit deficiency.

The summary of Taobao’s credit deficiency

1.In the early period of its credit hype,there was a lot of companies which specialize in providing false IP address,false user name,false comments and false transaction by special software for Taobao’s high credit grade.

2.Some sellers on Taobao gather together by QQ Group to buy some goods of equal value on

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篇七 :商务英文报告

1. International freight forwarders development background

Since the 1950s, the economic and trade relations have become increasingly frequent among all countries in the world, transnational economic activities are increasing, the process of the world economic globalization is speeding, the international freight forwarding industry has rapid development throughout the world.

In a sense, the agency system is along with the development of social economic relationship, and gradually formed and developed. Especially with the development of the commodity money relationship, it produced the "entrust" of this kind of phenomenon, such as the transport of goods, goods storage, even transaction of goods, etc. Many businesses proceed through the various types of agents. In other words, international trade, transport has development up to today's scale, and the forwarding industry plays a big role.

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篇八 :英语商务报告写作及案例



【1】 正式报告包括

标题 受委托事项 调查程序 调查结果 结论 建议

【2】 简短报告包括

标题 前言(引言、导言、导语、序言) 正文 结论 建议


划分章节 设立标题和副标题 实行编号方式 采用首行缩进方式编排




1. 调查报告

2. 科鹏投资股份有限公司在北京新设立了一个办事处,但经常有员工不能按时上班。这一现象引起了人事部经理路易斯。王的注意,她要求办公室主任约翰。巢就此事提交一份调查报告


Terms of Reference

Louise Wang , Personal Manager has requested this report on staff lateness at the new Beijing office .The report was to submitted to her by April 20 .


Out of 24 members of staff ,23 were surveyed about :

1. Their method of transport

2. Time taken to get to work

3. Problem encountered


1. All staff are late at least once every two weeks .

2. Ten members of staff use the subway ,two use the bus ,six traved by car ,and five travel by bicycle .

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