篇一 :英文报告










商务英语报告则是以英语语言撰写的商务报告。按种类划分,常见的有:事件调查报告(Investigative Reports)、意见调查报告(Survey Reports)、周报告(Weekly Reports)、月度报告(Monthly Reports)、进展报告(Progress Reports)、市场调查报告(Market Research Reports)、可行性研究报告(Feasibility Reports)等。尽管这些报告都有自身的特点,但它们都遵循商务英语报告总体写作原则。


在撰写商务英语报告时,应确保报告内容准确无误(Accurate)、简明扼要(Brief),结构清晰(Clear),建议明确果断(Decisive),故简称ABCD原则。具体内容如下: ? 内容准确无误:报告的正确性不仅仅是指英语语法、标点符号和拼写,更重要的是其内容要叙述的正确。报告的事实陈述部分既不能因哗众取宠而夸大其词,也不能因其涉及的令人不愉快的消息而低调陈述。实事求是、准确无误是报告写作的重要原则。

? 内容简明扼要:报告的长短一般取决于报告的内容及其正式程度。正式报告篇幅一般较长,而非正式报告则较短。不论何种报告,报告的语言必须简洁、流畅,切忌陈词滥调。一份拖沓冗长的报告不仅写时费力,对方阅读更浪费时间。撰写商务英语报告时要尽量避免罗嗦,用尽可能较少的文字,完整、清楚地表达需要表达的意。

? 结构清晰明了:用数字、符号标明段落、层次、要点等,加强逻辑性,使读者一目了然。 5

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篇二 :英文翻译报告



学生姓名: 张志明 学 号: 2513060140 所在学院: 南京工业大学 专 业: 机械工程及自动化 设计(论文)题目: NJ6597SFF5车架设计及有限元分析 指导教师: 王 东 方



整个车辆的基础被称之为车架,车架的作用是增加车身的强度和刚度,以承受弯曲和扭曲载荷。在车辆与地面碰撞的情况下, 车架是受压迫且吸收大部分能量冲击的。它必需托住汽车发动机, 汽车车身,汽车轮子, 和汽车其他元件。车架是由槽钢或U形截面槽钢组成, 利用焊接或用铆钉固定在一起。交叉支柱使他们坚固并足以能够抵抗震动,冲击, 扭转和它们在运行中所碰到的振动。

车架有两个冲压成型的钢制直梁, 五个横梁, 前轮轴, 后轮轴和四个车轮组成。两根钢制直梁的前部比后部靠的更近些。这样做的目的是考虑到前面的那个轮子更好的引导驾驶。后轮轴的功能不只是承载负荷而且也是传送扭转力到后面轮子的。后车桥穿过一个差速器传递一个相等量扭矩给两者车桥。当必要时,差速器是让每个车轮以它自己的速度旋转的一个重要的总成。例如:轿车在转弯行驶时,外侧车轮要比内侧车轮转的快,内侧车轮起到枢轴的作用。


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篇三 :商务英语报告



主 题:对Unit 5报告(Reports)知识点的补充


内 容:

1. Introduction(概述)

The use of a report

Reports normally report the end product of thorough investigation and analysis. They present ordered information to decision-makers in various fields: business, industry, education, medicine, government, and etc.

A good report is about one clearly defined subject and is accurate and up-to-date. It includes everything the reader needs to know, and omits irrelevant information. It is easy to read and understand, and is clearly presented.



2. Types and contents of reports

It is important to remember that reports can be long, short, formal or informal. Generally, we divide the types of reports according to the length of reports: long reports and short reports. Short business reports also include two types: short report in letter/memorandum form and formal short report.

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篇四 :调研报告英文版

    Instant noodles have become international food. It is probably the statistical global annual consumption of instant noodles for about 1/3 of the Chinese consumed the 65.25 billion. China has become the world's instant noodle production and consumption country. 21st century co-exist in the rapid development of China's instant noodle industry opportunities and risks, opportunities and challenges. However, in our education enrollment banner waving, the number of students in China soared. College students as a special social groups enhance the overall spending power as the number of straight up. The following is a report about university student most on instant noodles.

The first part:How many times does college students eat instant noodle?

   According to investigation, we know that the instant noodles has become an important part in ShenZhen polytechnic’s students. From survey, 33% of the students eat the instant noodle around once a week ,next,there are 31% students eat the instant noodle twice to fourth a week,the students who never eat the instant noodle has 21%.while eating instant noodles most frequency is about 15%.Thus we can realize that the instant noodles of college students is very popular in the future.The specific investigation are shown below:

   The time about students eat the instant noodle once a week:

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篇五 :企业信用报告英文版.

Business Credit Report Social Version


THE PEOPLE’S BANK OF CHINA NO. S201408180043997948

Business Credit Report

(Social Version)

Name: Beijing Beetech Inc.

Institution Credit Code: G1011010801579920N

No. of the Loan Card: 11xxxxxxxxxxxx

Date: 2014-08-18

Business Credit Report Social Version

Instructions to the Report

1. This report is issued by Credit Reference Center of the People’s Bank of China, and is produced from the information recorded in the business credit systems as of the date the report issued. Except for the notes from the Credit Reference Center, all the information in the report is provided by the relevant data presentation institutions and the main body for the information, the Credit Reference Center will not guarantee its truth and accuracy, but promises to keep objective, neutral position during the whole process of information integration, summary and presentation.

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篇六 :检测报告 英文版

检  验  报 告


        产 品 名 称:       

          Name of Product形逆流式玻璃钢冷却塔

          生 产 单 位:

          Manufacturer    山东格瑞德集团有限公司 

          检 验 类 别:     

          Test Category          出 厂 检 验       

山 东 格 瑞 德 集 团 有 限 公 司



The cooling tower ex- factory survey report                           

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篇七 :评估报告 中英文



The Written Report of Assets Evaluation


No. X the evaluation report of Puyang Zhongtai (2011)


Beijing Puyang Zhongtai Assets Evaluation Co., Ltd


The Written Report of Assets Evaluation of A

目 录Catalogue

一、评估报告声明The Statement of evaluation report............................................................. 1

二、评估报告书摘要The abstract of written report of assets evaluation................................... 3

三、评估报告书正文The body of written report of assets evaluation....................................... 7


The entrusting party, property right holder and other users of the evaluation report except for the entrusting party 7

(二)评估目的The purpose of assets evaluation .................................................................. 7

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篇八 :国际会议作报告英语发言稿

Thank you, prof. …. My name is ….. I’m from ….. I am very pleased to be here to join this forum. The topic of my presentation is properties of rapid construction materials for soil pavement of field airfield. As is shown in the picture, the main parts of my research are about soil pavement.

My presentation will include these four parts:

First, some background information about this research; second, the main work we have done; third, some conclusions we have got and the last: innovation and presentation of our published papers.

Why I choose this item? I think it can be illustrated from the following four parts. First, the existing quantity of airfields is still not sufficient and the airfields have many shortcomings especially in war time. Second, the complementary facilities, such as highway runways are far less than airfields, however, have more weakness. Third, a certain amount of field airfield is quite necessary considering some emergencies such as rescue and disaster relief. Forth, the field airfield can fill the void of airfield and they can be combined to be airfield network.

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