篇一 :托福综合写作满分范文

一:网络故事书(web-storybook service)








1.使用时不能和小朋友互动(ask question and get feedback)



例文: The speaker rebuts the reading's argument by pointing out

the inadequacy of the web-storybook services' interaction with children, the incompleteness of the data pool, and by undermining the assumption that saving parents' reading time is a benefit. saved and pronunciation utilities laid out in the reading, the web services can many books that the web services do not provide. parents' time to read stories to children. The reading argues that saving the essential way of communicating and building relationship between parents and children.


二:药品广告(drug advertisement)

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篇二 :托福独立写作范文欣赏+解析





  A or DA: Governments should focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economic development.





  The past several decades have witnessed that the world’s economy is booming. Modern skyscrapers, convenient communications, fast transportations make it easier and cozier for people to live in this planet. However, people are beginning to realize that the great achievements today seem to be at the price of destroying the nature. They claim that governments should focus its budgets more on environment than on economic development. As for me, I am a big fan of environmental protection and I am wholeheartedly in agreement with this claim. Here are some reasons and examples to support my view.

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篇三 :托福官方作文185题库范文【全】


TOEFL.iBT 高分作文 思路+范文 完美重排版 …………………………3

本部分填补了目前网络iBT 备考资料的空白。根据李笑来老师提供的作文思

路与《iBT 高分作文》原书范文重排。本部分对iBT 考试的独立写作部分与



附录一 185 题库按关键词分类 …………………………………………184


附录二 李笑来作文笔记(独立部分)…………………………………185


附录三 句法多样性专题 ………………………………………………193


附录四 例证表达法 ………………………………………………………199




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Lost Lawyer

2006 年11 月10 日

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TOEFL.iBT 高分作文 思路+范文 完美重排版

1. Why people attend college?

People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



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篇四 :托福作文范文


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way for parents to teach their children about responsibility is to have them care for an animal.

There are many ways that parents can teach their children responsibility, such as chores and extra-curricular activities. But one of the most effective ways to teach children responsibility is to let them take care of their own pet.

No matter what kind of pet, giving children the responsibility of taking care of a pet teaches them how to be independent and self-reliant. Instead of depending on their parents to feed the pet, children realize that the pet will go hungry if they do not feed it. This is better than giving chores, like sweeping the floor, because if a dog is hungry, it will demand food. Children can easily ignore an unswept floor. Sometimes when parents take care of all their child’s needs, then the child does not learn how to be

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篇五 :托福作文范文(关于上大学的好处)

With the increased competition between people nowadays in the society gathers more focus on high-level education, namely attending colleges or universities. No one wants to fall behind at the start and getting in to colleges certainly provides individuals with a better chance to succeed. The key factors for getting into colleges and universities are determined by the sources of knowledge as well as how individuals might react to the atmosphere. Thus, it is essential to note that colleges and universities provide people with more thorough knowledge, get people to know about more people and prepare them to be ready for the future challenges. First of all, colleges and universities are known for their ability to bring

people with deeper understandings of their previous knowledge. We simply cannot deny that people cannot just go around and succeed without a complete grasp on the knowledge they learn. Compared to high schools and prep schools, colleges and universities have major courses and minor courses that distinguish between each other by the time and energy individuals spend on. For major courses, people have to pay closer attention because these courses might cover the fields which they are actually interested in or planning to be work on. For instance, if a person wants to be an architect, what he or she learned in high school was certainly not sufficient to support the heavy duty to design a massive building. In contrast, college-level

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篇六 :托福作文范文:如何写出比较优秀的托福作文

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如果我两份中文写作,一份语言平平,通篇没有亮点之处。而另一篇则是妙语连珠,恰当地使用了几句成语,我们会认为哪一位考生的中文能力更有说服力呢? 答案是不言而喻的。英语习语以其精练、短小、幽默、风趣且富于哲理性的特征而广泛地被英、美国家的人们所接受并被广泛应用于人们的日常生活交际、报刊、杂志以及电视广播媒体之中。作为传承、记载文化与语言的基本工具之一,它在英、美国家人们的日常生活中起着举足轻重的作用。在英语行文中适当地使用习语不但可以避免千篇一律的表达,而且可以成为考官加分的重要因素。


托福写作真经提醒大家要多看原版英语报刊文章。比如在英国著名媒体Guardian中曾经发表过一篇文章US envoy to Iraq: ‘We have opened the Pandora‘s box‘ 中的第一句话〝The US ambassador to Baghdad conceded yesterday that the Iraq invasion had opened a Pandora‘s box‘ of sectarian conflicts which could lead to a regional war.〞很多同学可能看过后不知道这句话究竟是什么意思。是美国大使承认侵略伊拉克的行为打开了一个什么样的盒子吗?显然是不对的。其实,Pandora‘s box‘这个短语是一个英语传统习语,Pandora 原是希腊神话传说中从天宫下凡的人类第一个女性,Pandora’s box 之意表面上看来是贵重之物,而骨子里却是祸害,其含义为“万恶之源”、“造成极大混乱”。所以这句话的意思可以理解为驻扎巴格达的美国大使

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昨日承认由美国发动的伊拉克战争造成了当地的宗教斗争。如果每天可以阅读一两篇原版的英语报刊文章,遇到类似于这样不会的习语查查字典,再整理到自己的笔记本里,这样的效果是非常好的。如果写作文的时候能加上这样一句,可以给文章增色不少。在20xx年10月份的托福考试中的独立写作部分的题目是〝Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In twenty years there will be fewer cars in use than there in today?〞如果想赞成这句话的考生,想表达汽车是污染之源可以就这么写:〝Car is the Pandora’s box of pollution.〞这当然比〝Car is the cause of pollution〞高明很多。

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篇七 :托福作文范文185篇52附写作思路





52. How to make your hometown more appealing to people your age?

What change would make your hometown more appealing to people your age? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.





My hometown is a pretty good place to live. However, I still can think of at least three changes that would drastically increase the towns appeal to people my age, around 20. The construction of public sports facilities would give us the opportunity to exercise and spend our time constructively, the further development of the public parks would provide us with places to spend our leisure time in nice and cost free environments, and the lowering of the cost of public transportation would give us the opportunity to roam the city more freely.

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篇八 :托福写作满分范文




  Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  The twentieth century has brought with it many advances. With those advances, human lives have changed dramatically. In some ways life is worse, but mostly it is better. Changes in food preparation methods, for example, have improved our lives greatly.

  The convenience of preparing food today is amazing. Even stoves have gotten too slow for us. Microwave cooking is much easier. We can press a few buttons and a meal is completely cooked in just a short time. People used to spend hours preparing a home-cooked meal, and now they can use that time for other, better things. Plus, there are all kinds of portable, prepackaged foods we can buy. Heat them in the office microwave, and lunch at work is quick and easy.

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