篇一 :读写任务型作文

高中英语复习学案 编写人: 审核人: 备课组 编号:001






Scientists find that hard-working people live longer than average men and women. Career women are healthier than housewives. Evidence shows that the jobless are in poorer health than the job-holders. A study shows that whenever the employment rate increases by 1%, the death rate increase correspondingly(相应地) by 2%. All this comes down to one point: work is helpful to health.

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篇二 :读写任务作文集锦

文 章来源

莲山 课件 w w w.5Y k J.C om 二、读写任务篇



Some years ago, leaving the farm to work in the city, three brothers were employed by the same company and on the same pay. But three years later, they received different wages. So their father was confused and decided to pay a visit to the boss, who told him that he would let his sons explain for themselves.

The three brothers were asked by the supervisor to go to the airport to get a cargo inventory at different times. Jim, who received 500 dollars a months, got the information on the phone instead of going to the airport himself. Frank, the 1000 dollars a month brother with a list of more cargoes. George, the 1500 dollars a month brother came back with detailed information and also did something extra without being told.

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篇三 :基础写作与读写任务范文

13. 基础写作(中国的基本情况)



国名:中华人民共和国 地理位置:亚洲东部,面临太平洋

面积:九百六十万平方公里 人口:3亿 民 族:56 气候:冬冷夏热

国情: 1. 有勤劳勇敢的人民,拥有5000年的文明;

2. 首都北京将在20xx年8月8日举办第29届奥运会。


1、只能使用5个句子表达全部内容; 2、文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 范文:

The People’s Republic of China lies in the east of Asia, facing the Pacific Ocean,

and covers a total area of 9600000 square kilometers and five of the world’s 24 times areas. China belongs to continental climate, that is, cold in winter and hot in summer depending on different areas.

China has 56 nationalities with the largest population of 1.3 billion in the world. We

are a hard-working and brave people with a civilization of 5000 years. So we hope China will successfully host the 29th Olympic Games on October 8th, 2008, in the capital of Beijing, China.

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篇四 :读写任务型写作专练



The Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. We Chinese call it "Nian". But do you know that Nian was once the name of a monster ?

A long time ago, the monster Nian lived in the mountains. It mainly ate animals which were weaker than itself. But in winter, the animals stayed in the holes and seldom went out. It was difficult for Nian to find something to eat. So it came to villages and ate a lot of people. People were so afraid of Nian that they locked their doors before evening came during winter. One day, an old man came to the village. He told people there that Nian was afraid of three things the color red, fire and noise. He told people to play drums and gongs, make big fires and set off fireworks to make Nian go away.

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篇五 :07-09高考读写任务范文



Dear Ari,

As you sleep in my arms, I'm amazed at how light you feel. I stare at your tiny body, so fragile that a sudden wind could lift you up into the air. I love this feeling of protecting you and dreaming of all I have in store for you.

I intend to bring you up to be brave and successful in an often difficult society. That's why your mommy and I have named you Ari, which means "lion". It's our hope that you will grow strong and eagerly grasp every opportunity to do well for yourself and others.

Before you came into the world, we had spent months imagining what you'd be like. Would you be a boy or a girl? Would you look like Mommy, Daddy or your elder brothers? Anyway, we would find out soon.

Finally your mother's labor came. And several hours later, we met the first time. I held you high up in the air. I then was able to cut your umbilical cord (脐带) and put you in your mother's arms. She still had enough energy to radiate the love while she pressed you to her face.

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篇六 :读写任务 作文范文 Studying Abroad

Studying Abroad

The passage mainly talks about the Chinese student Xie Lei’s university study and life, especially about some benefits she gets as well as some difficulties she faces while studying in London.

In recent years, studying abroad has been popular. Tens of thousands of Chinese middle school students have gone to foreign countries to study. Many people are

trying their best to go abroad. There are many advantages in attending schools abroad. First, students who study abroad can make friends with people of different cultures. Second, they can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from foreign countries. Third, they can learn foreign languages more quickly.

However, there are some disadvantages. Most of the students are too young to live by themselves without any living experience. Besides, being far away from their

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篇七 :读写任务作文58

二、读写任务篇 读写任务1 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Some years ago, leaving the farm to work in the city, three brothers were employed by the same company and on the same pay. But three years later, they received different wages. So their father was confused and decided to pay a visit to the boss, who told him that he would let his sons explain for themselves.

The three brothers were asked by the supervisor to go to the airport to get a cargo inventory at different times. Jim, who received 500 dollars a months, got the information on the phone instead of going to the airport himself. Frank, the 1000 dollars a month brother with a list of more cargoes. George, the 1500 dollars a month brother came back with detailed information and also did something extra without being told.


1.概括该故事的内容要点,该部分的字数大约30词左右; 2.就―态度决定一切‖这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点,该部分的字数大约120词左右。

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篇八 :读写任务型作文写作技巧




1. 确定主题句。 2. 寻找关键词。 3. 重构主题句。 4. 重组支撑句。


A.定时态:如果阅读材料是过去时,那么基本时态用过去时;如果是现在的,那么基本时态用现在时;不过,模板的开头语一般为现在时如The passage tells us that …



The essay/passage/author highlights the importance of encouragement for students.

The essay/passage/author argues in support of …, stating that …

The essay/passage/author argues that w…

The essay/passage/author discusses the impact of email.

The essay/passage/author compares friendship with the comfort of home.

The essay/passage/author outlines the harmful effects of smoking.

The passage/story is about a misunderstanding between a student and a teacher.

The author tells us a story about a ________.

The passage is a story about ________.

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