篇一 :立场文件(英文)

Position Paper

Delegate: Zhang San, Wang Wu

School: Beijing No.1 Middle School

Country: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Committee: ECOSOC

Topic: International Migration

International Migration has become a world focus, for it has close relationship to many other important issues. On one hand, migration is contributive to global culture and economic communication. On the other, migration touches on numbers of sharp problems, inclusive of human rights, refugees, public education, healthcare, racial and gender discrimination. As a developed country in west Europe, UK is evidently facing the problem of international migration. According to the UK National Bureau of Statistics, the number of migrants in UK is about 5 million, which forms 10% of the nation’s population. As the former Prime Minister Tony Blare has stated, migrants has become a strong contributive power in UK economy.

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篇二 :英文立场文件模板

Position Paper

Delegate(s): Xu Long, Zhao Zizhe (徐龙,赵子哲)

School: Northeast Normal University

Country: People’s Republic of China

Committee: Disarmament and International Security Committee

Topic: Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

The first paragraph. The first paragraph describes the background information of the topic. In this section, it overviews the historical background and causes of the issue, it also reviews those countries getting involved in the issue and analysizes the effect. In the last sentence, give your country’s brief standpoint on the issue.

The second paragraph. The second paragraph focuses on the international

society’s involvement concerning the topic (Especially, detailing how UN functions in this issue). It mentions the relevant actions (i.e: resolutions, conferences,

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篇三 :模联立场文件(英文)

Delegate:Yuqi Zhao Xuezhang Wu

School: Shanxi Experimental Secondary School

Country:Saudi Arabia

Committee: Human Right Council

Topic: Access to pharmaceutical drugs

Since the Penicillin first being used,most of the population had said goodbye to some simple bacterial infections and it had satrted a new century of human history. But now almost two billion people still lack access to essential medicines especilly in Africa and South-East Asia. It means that improving access to existing medicines could save ten million lives each year at least.

Providing some of the poorest can in africa essentital medicines has become one important duty to Saudi Arabia since the first time WHO call on all the developed country to notice the people’s living in Sub-Sahara africa. And the government of Saudi Arabia is now facing a great challenge, some pharmaceutical companies hold the patent right and the price of some medicines becomes unaffordable and it has become the main limit of the medicines providing. Some countries also hold their position to protect their medical industry and make the price become even higher.

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篇四 :立场文件(英文)

Position Paper

Delegate: Yao Ze wen

School: Zheng Zhou Middle School

Country: Canada

Committee: DISEC

Topic: Limitation of Autonomous Robotics

Nowadays, along with the growth of AI the limitation of the autonomous robots has become a very important problem about the ethic and the society. How to control the robots that can think and even lie like people is so difficult that every country begins to develop it. If the humans can make it come true that we can use the autonomous robots to do most things we can do, what will the world be like in the future?

Canada is a big country that can make a difference in development of AI.We have enough technology to study it. And as Canada, we also will try our best to invent it as quickly as we can. But if we make it out, how can we manage it? There always are some people who want to use the robots to lead a war. In fact, people have thought out some points to solve the problems. Like us, Canada has made many plans to deal with AI. We send many academics to learn and develop AI. And we get much progress such as CAIAC and so on. Because we think the humans must know AI very well. Anyway, before autonomous robotics have been developed whole of it, at least as a owner, a maker , a inventor we are responsible of making the matters are possible to happen clear to avoid of burning ourselves because of a mistake made by us. So we can't make AI out earlier than holding it.

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篇五 :模拟联合国立场文件范文


   立场文件的英文是 Position Paper,可定义为“表明一国在某一个问题上的基本观点和立场的文件”。立场文件反映了一个国家对特定话题的立场和解决建议,许多代表也会用立场文件作为大会中第一次发言的发言稿,由此可见其重要性。一篇立场文件只阐述对于一个议题的国家立场观点,如果一个委员会的议题有两个,那么就需要提交两份立场文件。一份立场文件的篇幅应尽量控制在一到两页。     立场文件作用  其他国家可以通过一国的立场文件来了解该国在这一议题上的基本立场,确定该国是否与自己的国家具有共同的目标和利益等等,这样便于各国协会协商和合作。也可以提醒本国代表自己的底线。立场文件同时也是会议开始阶段各国陈述观点的主要参照发言材料,但它并不是发言稿。     立场文件的格式和要点  1) 开头   立场文件的开头应该包括以下部分:  ?  代表姓名(delegates)   ?  代表来自的学校 (schools) ?  国家 (country) ?  委员会 (committee) ?  议题 (topic) 2) 正文   正文的内容一般安排如下:   ?  背景介绍:简要陈述议题。这一部分所占篇幅最小,只需简单概括该问题的历史,并提出讨论解决该问题的重要性即可。   ?  过去的行动:这部分包括联合国在该问题上的决议或行动及本国在该问题上已经作出的行动和决议等。   ?  本国的立场/政策/解决措施:这部分主要表明本国的立场,提供本国对于该问题的解决办法和措施,并提供理由等。  3) 篇幅   书写语言为中文,字体用宋体,5号字,单倍行距。篇幅尽量控制在一到两页左右。  4) 充实内容   前面介绍的正文内容安排只是一种参考。立场文件不是考试作文的八股文,其内容的安排顺序和文章结构都可以根据代表国的实际情况调整。还可以从以下很多方面充实立场文件的内容:    ?  对该国在这个议题上的立场的总体概括和对该国在此问题上的历史介绍  ?  该问题是怎样影响该国的   ?  该国在此问题上的政策和实施相关政策的理由 

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篇六 :20xx第63届联合国大会中国立场文件中英文

Position Paper of the People's Republic of China at the 63rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly

I. The Role of the United Nations (UN)

The world is undergoing tremendous changes and adjustments. Peace and development remain the call of the times. The pursuit of peace, development and cooperation is the common aspiration of all governments and peoples around the world. Interdependence among countries is increasing and the international situation has been stable on the whole. At the same time, however, the world is far from trouble-free. Regional conflicts and hotspot issues keep emerging. Imbalances in the world economy are worsening. The North-South gap is widening. Traditional and non-traditional security threats are intertwined. All this poses difficulties and challenges to world peace and development.

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篇七 :立场文件范本(英文)

Position Paper

Delegate: (names of delegate)

School: Huazhong Agricutural University

Committee: GA (SOCHUM)

Country: Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Topic: Protection and Administration of Stateless Person

The Protection and Administration of Stateless Person is a world focus all the time in the process of development of human beings, for it is not only just an important moral issue but also has close relationship to politics, laws and religion. Stateless people do not have any nationalities, for there is not any state law considered them as its citizens. The appearance of Stateless people is mainly caused by the conflict in different countries legislation, personal wills, wars or the deprived nationality. They don’t have any country’s diplomatic protection. They are actually the “hidden” population. The whole world now has more than 12 million stateless people. In North Korea, we have been cautious about the problem that dual nationalities are not allowed in the law system. Thus, transnational marriage is the main cause of stateless people. They fled to other countries, but couldn’t settle down; neither did they get education, medical and social welfare treatment.

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篇八 :立场文件写作格式


立场文件的英文是 Position Paper,可定义为“表明一国在某一个问题上的基本观点和立场的文件”。立场文件反映了一个国家对特定话题的立场和解决建议,许多代表也会用立场文件作为大会中第一次发言的发言稿,由此可见其重要性。一篇立场文件只阐述对于一个议题的国家立场观点,如果一个委员会的议题有两个,那么就需要提交两份立场文件。一份立场文件的篇幅应尽量控制在一到两页。




1) 开头


? 代表姓名(delegates)

? 代表来自的学校 (schools)

? 国家 (country)

? 委员会 (committee)

? 议题 (topic)

2) 正文


? 背景介绍:简要陈述议题。这一部分所占篇幅最小,只需简单概括该问题的历史,并提出讨论解决该问题的重要性即可。

? 过去的行动:这部分包括联合国在该问题上的决议或行动及本国在该问题上已经作出的行动和决议等。

? 本国的立场/政策/解决措施:这部分主要表明本国的立场,提供本国对于该问题的解决办法和措施,并提供理由等。

3) 篇幅


4) 充实内容


? 对该国在这个议题上的立场的总体概括和对该国在此问题上的历史介绍 ? 该问题是怎样影响该国的

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