篇一 :雅思写作7分范文

Nowadays, many countries tend to use an alternative way to assess the students’ ability instead of traditional exam systems. More attention has been paid to the controversial issue as to whether students could benefit from canceling exams. It is considered by some experts that this measure could decrease students’ pressure. However, I disagree with this trend for two reasons.

Firstly, exam systems could help teachers to make a fair and all-rounded judgment. On the one hand, exam conditions are often strict so that students under exam conditions could hardly copy others’ answers. Compared with alternative ways of assessments, such as essay and course design, it is hard to distinguish whether some ideas are from the students themselves or copy from someone else. On the other hand, teachers can easily make an exam cover the whole book and check if the students have learned all the knowledge from the book. However, essay and course design usually only use part of the book.

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篇二 :雅思写作7分范文


题目:Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success. Others argue that happiness depends on completely other factors. Discuss both of the views and give your own opinion. In recent years, the discussion of whether personal happiness is directly associated to economic success has become a controversial issue. Notions toward it differ widely from person to person.

Some people believe that happiness is related to economic success because only money can make people’s life more enjoyable. When it comes to economic success, the majority of people believe that money means a luxurious life. To begin with, if someone owns great success on economic, that means he can spend more money on whatever he likes and spend more time on his hobbies. Emotionally, money can buy happiness at least to some extent. That is to say, you can buy things that you like in order to fulfill your needs and vanities and this makes you feel happier. You can also enjoy the best education and social welfare. Thirdly,

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篇三 :雅思写作7分范文(二)

The chart illustrates the process of extracting fresh water from salt water through a series of simple processes, which uses basic equipments.

First of all, turn on the gas store to heat the salt water in the pot. As the temperature of the salt water gets higher and higher, more and more water changes into water vapor. After that, the water vapor is collected by a metal funnel, then, flows into a long pipe. At the middle of the pipe, a piece of cloth is placed, which is wet by pouring a jug of cold water over it. When the water vapor flows through the long horizontal pipe, it is condensed into liquid again by the cold wet piece of cloth. Finally, the fresh water flows into the vertical pipe and then drops down to the collecting bucket. Then, the whole process is completed.

To sum up, during the whole process only water changes into vapor and the salt is left in the pot. So that fresh water can be extracted.

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篇四 :雅思写作7分突破方法





词汇升级包括升级词汇的广度和深度。其中前者较好理解,简单地说就是词汇量越大越好,特别是在写作中需要表达同样或者相似意思的时候,如果能够做到多变不重复,那肯定会给阅卷者留下深刻的印象。比如“重要的/主要的/必要的”这个意思,几乎每篇雅思作文中都需要用到,一个important用到底和crucial, paramount, indispensable换着用的差异性是显而易见的。而所说的深度,引用雅思官方评分标准的原话就是“use less common lexical items”。记住,“大白菜”词汇只能拿到“大白菜”分数。赶紧用sub-standard替换poor-quality, source替换reason, typically替换usually。另外,词汇的灵活运用也是深度的一种体现。比如表达“科技给我们带来好处”,既可以说Technology brings us benefits. 也可以说Technology benefits us. 还可以说We benefit from technology. 又可以说Technology is beneficial to us. 也可以表达为We are the beneficiaries of technology. benefit这个词的灵活运用充分体现了对词汇的理解和运用能力。


在雅思写作的句型方面,一直存在一个误区,就是很多考生认为句型越复杂越长越好。其实不然,姑且撇开写又长又复杂的句子很容易出错不说,单是从语言的流畅性和阅卷者思路的延续性角度来看,这样的表达很可能不但不能给文章加分,反而会弄巧成拙,由于冗长不地道而被扣分。这里句型升级是指句型的变化以及对地道句型表达的模仿和借鉴。比如在探讨现代家庭关系疏远话题的文章中,一种表达是So it is not surprising that they do not feel close to their families.另一种表达是Little wonder, then, that they feel alienated from their families.毋庸置疑,后一种表达更能吸引考官的眼球。这种句型上的变化从何而来,并非主观臆想,而是通过大量阅读和模仿原版英文材料的写作手法而来。对于雅思考生来说,如果时间有限,资源有限,那么剑桥系列中写作部分的考官范文和阅读部分的文章就是最好的材料了。比如剑6 P168考官范文的开头:Over the last half century

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篇五 :雅思写作7分模板

环球雅思网校:/xys/kc/ 雅思一对一咨询qq:1613508081


首先,Task 1(图表描述或流程图,又称小作文)评分标准为“TF”:Task Fulfillment(任务完成情况)占总分9分的40%,要求考生在20分钟内完成至少150个字的作文,在这基础上,考生还应当在规定的时间和字数内,向读者(即考官)清晰地阐述何事,何人,何时,何地,图表的总体趋势(是升?降?持平?还是波动以及幅度等相关信息)要以数据的形式逐步加以展开,不能带有个人的主观观点,布局清晰,思路清晰,详略搭配清晰,结论清晰,这是TF的基本条件。

其次,CC:Coherence & Cohesion(即逻辑连贯性)占35%,所谓逻辑连贯性,就是要求考生对所观察到信息用一定的数据加以拓展。例如:当考生写到无锡20xx年的公交线路比十年前多了。那么,这个“多”字从哪来?考生应迅速把充分把论据或例子补上,可以这么写“20xx年无锡的公交线路是105条,而10年前仅有20 条,为10年前的5倍多”,这是令人信服的,反之就是捕风捉影。

再次,VSS:Vocabulary & Sentence Structure(即:用词和句子结构)约占卷面的20%,这对一个英文基础功扎实的考生来讲并不难,可难的是怎样精确地选词、用词。应尽量避免使用已用过的词,例如:The chart shows?(该图描述了?),如在下段再出现则应该变换一下主语和谓语,以显得鲜活,如:The table also illustrates?(该图描述了?)意思未变,只是在遣词上稍稍花了点功夫,这就是一篇6分以上小作文。

就Task 2(即:议论文,又称大作文)而言,CQ:Communication Quality(交谈、质量)约占30%。主要是检验考生能否把所想表达的通过英语交流,考官能否看懂?而此篇的重头戏是在AIE上面。 Arguments, idaas & Evidences(即:论点、思路、论据,也就是我们常讲的逻辑思维是否合理)。它在卷面9分中占了40%的比例。可见条理清晰与否、论点论据配套与否就显得尤为重要。与Task 1一样的是,第三个评分仍是VSS(即:用词和句子结构),约占20%左右。

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篇六 :雅思作文7分标准作文


作者 :  雅思



Some experts believe that it is better for childrento begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondaryschool.

Do the advantages of this outweigh thedisadvantages?

Foreign languageshave increasingly gained popularity among studentsthese years, given that the world is shrinking and each country now has a morefrequent contact with the outside world. Many people[c1] argue that children should begin learning a foreign language atelementary school, instead of waiting until [c2] they enter secondary school. There are several reasons for this.

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篇七 :雅思写作同意与否7分范文

? 同意与否 两边倒

Para. 1 引出话题

Para. 2 同意段(观点及理由)

Para. 3 不同意段(观点及理由)

Para.4 我的观点(同意/不同意)

Students from rural areas often find it difficult to get access to university education, so people think universities should make it especially easy for them to study at. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(20xx年6月5日考题)

? 开头段

S1: Today it is not uncommon to see that rural students have difficulty in getting access to higher education. (背景)

S2: People hold contrasting views on whether this group of students should be granted certain privileges on campus. (争议话题)

S3: As far as I am concerned, village children and urban ones should be treated equally. (态度)

? 主体段1

S1: On the one hand, it cannot be denied that it is more difficult for village children to accustom themselves to the college life, so special assistance from universities is necessary. (主题句)

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篇八 :雅思写作7分必备实用例句





下面这些句子是雅思基础班语法课的作业,所选句子全部来自于雅思高分作文(7分水平以上),对于其它雅思班的同学来说也可以当作一个很好的参考,看看下面这些句子你的表达和这里提供的model answer是否一致,如果基本一致的话,恭喜你!说明你的雅思写作水平已经达到7分的水准啦!

1. 一个人的实际能力才是企业所真正看重的。

It is one's practical capability that enterprises truly value.


2. 我认为我们发明一种新的语言来取代英语是没有必要的.

I don't think it necessary to invent a new kind of language to take the place of English.

(这句话有太多的同学用"instead of"来表示“取代”的意思,再次强调,instead of是介词词组,表示"......而不是......"的意思。)

3. 然而,关于它是一件好事还是坏事,人们有不同的态度。

People, nevertheless, hold various opinions in terms of the issue whether it is a blessing or a curse.

(这句话有很多人用"good thing"和"bad thing"表示“好事”和“坏事”,在书面语中推荐用blessing和curse,绝对的less common vocabulary!)

4. 很多国家的失业率在不断攀升这一事实是我们无法否认的。

The fact that the unemployment rates in quite a number of countries keep rising can not be denied.

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