篇一 :英语范文自传



I am Lin. Sophia is my English name. I am 18 years old, studying in a public high school. I come from a very happy middle-class family. My father works in a bank and my mother works in a bookstore. I am the only child in the family; however, I am not the so-called spoiled child. My parents have trained me to be independent since I was a child.

Throughout my academic years, I not only get good grades but also am very active on sport field and involved in school club activities. I play volleyball and enjoy the team spirit we have. I have joined the drama club and participated in many English speech contests. I really enjoy participating in school activities; I not only make many friends and have lots of fun but also gain many different valuable experiences.

I had been the class English assistant for almost three years. I liked to discuss and share the experience of learning English with people a lot. We often read China Post and Time Magazine then discussed their contents, the word usages and practice speaking English by discussing the articles we read. In the beginning, we found it hard because we could rarely understand the content, but we encouraged each other not to give up. Gradually, we had made improvement. We were so excited. Then the group discussion of English books and magazines became one of the most enjoyable thing for us to do every week. I won the first prize in the school English speech contest in my second year of high school and many of my English articles had been put on Students Post.

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篇二 :英语满分自传


My name is xxx. I am 21 years old and studying in xx University now

Fortunately I am having a rest at home which includes three people, my father, mother, and I. My father is working for a private factory to keep my family and my mother is staying at home doing house work. We are living on floor six of the fourteenth unite in xxxx Zhejiang province. My father graduated from a senior middle school and was good at studying when he was at school, so he always asked me to work hard to be more competitive in the future. In my opinion,my mother is more serious about my behaviour than father. Free at home, so she can spend a lot time on my learning. I had always thought that she cared about me too much when I was young . Maybe I didn’t kown her very much because I lived with my grandparents longer than with my parent befere I went to school. They had pool to keep fish and some other seafood beside Qiantang river in Cixi. I had some kinds of seafood to eat all the time and the grandparents were always kind to me. In addition, my family kept a lovely dog with us that brought a lot of happiness to us. There was no doubt that he was also a member of my family before he’s missing one day when I was still very young. Of course I cried with great sorrow when I was told the news because I felt that I also lost a good friend.

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篇三 :个人自传范文





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篇四 :入党个人自传及其范文








1、 如实地写出自己的经历,实事求是地评价自己,包括时间、地点乃至重要真实无暇。






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篇五 :英文个人自传范文



申请出国留学时,自传(personal statement)的质量和内容也是成功的关键。撰写英文自传时,不要一味说空话套话,有时一个日常生活中的小例子远胜于长篇累牍的流水帐。还要特别注意:既不能自吹自擂,也不必过于谦虚,应该本着实事求是,不卑不亢的原则。下附一例,以作说明:

Personal Statement/Autobiography

My name is Fang Yan. I am 24 years old and male. I was born in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. There are three people in my family including me, and I am the only son.

My father is an electronic engineer and my mother is a teacher of English. I completed elementary, junior and senior high school in Taiyuan. In 1993, I entered Shanghai Jiaotong University and

graduated in 1997 with a bachelor’s degree in computer science. Since then I have been working as a computer programmer in Shanghai Wanda Company.

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篇六 :个人自传模板



自传,是自述生平和思想演变过程的书面文字形式,是党组织全面地、历史地、系统地了解入党申请人的重要材料,是党组织审查吸收新党员必须具备的材料之一。 (一)标题。居中书写“自传”。

(二)正文。主要内容包括:1、个人成长经历。一般从小学或七周岁写起。要写明何时、何地在什么学校读书或从事什么活动;担任过什么职务;受过何种奖励或处分;何时、何地、何人介绍加入过何种进步组织、反动组织或封建迷信组织,任何职务,有何其他政治历史问题,结论如何;需要向党组织说明的其他问题等。2、个人思想演变过程。这是自传的主体部分一般结合自己的成长经历,分阶段写明思想变化过程和对党的认为。通过对自己思想演变过程的清理和回顾,总结成长进步经历,提高思想觉悟,明确今后的努力方向。3、家庭主要成员:父母、配偶、子女以及和本人长期在一起生活的亲属;主要社会关系;与本人关系密切的旁系亲属,如岳父母、公婆、伯姑舅姨等。写明这些人的政治面貌和职业。 (三)结尾。本人署名和注明日期。一般居右书写姓名,下一行写日期“年月日” 二、写自传应注意的问题




大于1500字。绿格子信纸。黑水笔 





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篇七 :英语自传



My name is ________. I am graduate from ________ senior high school and major in ________. There are ________ people in my family. My father works in a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family.

In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlarge my knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.

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篇八 :英语自传

Elaine 11107094

My Autobiography



The year of 2011, when I was 17 years old, I came to Nanjing for study by myself. It's a great turning-point for me, which would change my whole life.

Those past years have changed into the perpetual memory, and never would it come back. When I looked behind, I realized that happy and sorrow, failure and success and anything else that I experienced

constructed me who am I today.

In January 13th 1994, I came to the world in my home, a simple

bungalow at a village in Chongqing. My mother is a soft and

self-improvement woman. And my father is intelligent but a little willful. Both of them are farmers. You can easily figure out how difficult my family was at that time. Both my grandmother and grandfather are teachers of the ShuangZhu primary school which I spent my 6

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