篇一 :学术论文写作格式要求英文摘要常用句型

学术论文写作格式要求 英文摘要常用句型




(In this paper,…)

The results of

A simple method for...cases of

The...approach for

An attempt to (do)...       


              described (through…)

     is(are)    reported (under...)

              discussed (along with...)



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篇二 :英文摘要写作格式和输入规范要求



一、总体要求 ............................................................................................................................................... 2

二、英文标题 ............................................................................................................................................... 2

三、作者姓名 ............................................................................................................................................... 2

四、摘要......................................................................................................................................................... 3

五、关键词 .................................................................................................................................................... 3

六、正文。 .................................................................................................................................................... 3

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篇三 :英文摘要写作范文

Structural Monitoring and Control with Wireless and Mobile Sensors

Recent advances in wireless sensor networks offer promising alternatives to cable-based sensing and control systems in smart civil structures. With emphasis on wireless and mobile sensors, this presentation spans research in two major areas of smart structural technologies, i.e. structural health monitoring and structural control. On structural health monitoring, a prototype wireless structural sensing system has been successfully developed and validated in numerous field experiments. In addition, the wireless sensing research has been extended to some latest investigation on autonomous mobile sensors, i.e. miniature robots that carry wireless sensors and navigate on a structure. Furthermore, a battery-free wireless strain sensor is been developed through radiofrequency technologies. With its convenience and low cost, the sensor holds great potential for large-scale deployment. On structural control, wireless sensing methodology has been explored for support real-time feedback control against earthquake excitations. The wireless sensing devices are capable of not only collecting and processing real-time sensor data, but also making control decisions and commanding structural control devices. Large-scale shake table experiments successfully validated the performance of the wireless control system, as well as a number of decentralized optimal control algorithms that have been proposed. Bio Dr. Yang Wang is an assistant professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Tech. With a B.S. and an M.S. degree in Civil Engineering awarded by Tsinghua University, he obtained a PhD. Degree in Civil Engineering at Stanford University in 2007, as well as an M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering. Dr. Wang’s research interests include structural health monitoring and damage detection, decentralized structural control, wireless and mobile sensors, and structural dynamics. Honored with a 2011 NSF Early Faculty Career Development Award, Dr. Wang is the author and coauthor of over 80 national and international journal and conference papers. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for the ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) Journal of Bridge Engineering.

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篇四 :英 文 摘 要 写 作

英 文 摘 要 写 作


Title(题目)、Author and working unit(作者及工作单位)、Abstract(摘要)、Keywords (关键词)、Introduction



? 摘要又称概要、内容提要。放在标题页的正文之前,用不同于正文的字体排版,以突出其显著位置。

? 摘要是以提供文献内容梗概为目的,不加评论和补充解释,简明、确切地记述文献重要内容的短文。

二、摘要的类型( Type of abstract)

? 信息性摘要(报道性摘要、资料性摘要)(Information Abstracts)

A design of --- was proposed for ;Our --- model employed is

? 指示性摘要(说明性摘要、叙述型摘要)(Descriptive / Indicated Abstracts )

This article discusses ---; It suggests;

Calculations were carried out ---;The results of calculation show that 。

? 资料性摘要概括地阐述论文或报告中的主要结论,重点突出文中提及的新发现或有别于其他同类研究的结


结合型摘要(Informative Indicative Abstracts)

? 此类摘要综合了说明性摘要和资料性摘要的特点

Abstract: (1)This paper discusses the effect of processing temperature on the room temperature resistivity and PTC characteristic of the PS matrix Sn-Pb alloy composite. (2)The results show that … and the low melting point of Sn-Pb alloy results in the excellent PTC characteristic.

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篇五 :英文摘要写作格式和输入规范要求



一、总体要求 ...................................................................................... 2

二、英文标题 ...................................................................................... 2

三、作者姓名 ...................................................................................... 2

四、摘要 .............................................................................................. 2

五、关键词 .......................................................................................... 3

六、正文。 .......................................................................................... 3

七、图表。 .......................................................................................... 3

八、参考文献。 .................................................................................. 3

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篇六 :英文摘要的写作格式




1 英文摘要的写作格式

医学论文摘要的格式目前主要采用结构式摘要(structured abstract),它是由加拿大Mc Master大学临床流行病学和生物统计学教授Haynes博士[1]于19xx年4月首先提出的。而几乎在同年,美国《内科学纪事》(Annals of Internal Medicine'Ann Intern Med)在国际上率先应用结构式摘要[2],随之,世界各国的医学期刊都采用了结构式摘要[3]。这些结构式摘要有8段式、7段式、6段式、5段式、4段式及3段式等,内容主要包括研究目的、研究设计、研究单位、研究对象或病人、处理方法、检测方法、结果及结论共8项。而在实际应用中,8段式结构式摘要逐渐简化为4段式。我国大多数医学期刊都采用了4段式结构式摘要,即目的、方法、结果和结论。(1)目的(objective):简要说明研究的目的,表明研究的范围、内容和重要性,常常涵盖文章的标题内容。(2)方法(methods):简要说明研究课题的设计思路,使用何种材料和方法,如何对照分组,如何处理数据等。(3)结果(results):简要介绍研究的主要结果和数据,有何新发现,说明其价值及局限。此外,还要给出结果的置信值,统计学显著性检验的确切值。(4)结论(conclusion):简要对以上的研究结果进行分析或讨论,并进行总结,给出符合科学规律的结论。为了更好地说明问题,我们来看下例:(1)目的:探讨螺旋CT(SCT)对结、直肠癌术前分期的价值。(2)方法:51例疑诊结、直肠肿瘤的患者行SCT扫描,扫描前清洁肠道,并经直肠注气,扫描范围从膈顶至耻骨联合。51例中,41例经直肠镜或手术病理证实为结、直肠癌,其中31例有手术、SCT等完整资料参与分期研究,将影像诊断与手术病理结果进行对照。(3)结果:SCT总的分期准确率为58.1%(18/31),判断T分期的准确率为84.4%(27/32)'N分期的准确率为61.3%(19/31)。评价肿瘤浆膜外侵犯的敏感性和特异性分别为92.9%和50.0%。(4)结论:SCT扫描对结、直肠癌的术前分期有重要价值,有助于判断肿瘤浆膜外侵犯及区域淋巴结和远处转移情况。其对应的英文摘要为:(1)Objective:To evaluate spiral CT (SCT) in the preoperative staging of colorectal carcinomas. (2)Methods:Fifty?one patients suspicious of having colorectal carcinoma underwent spiral CT scans performed from the dome of the diaphragm to symphysis pubica after cleansing enema and rectal air insufflation. 41 of the 51 patients were proved to have colorectal carcinoma by colonoscopy and/or pathology. The findings of SCT of 31 patients treated with

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篇七 :英文论文题目及摘要、报告写作









  (2)英文题名中的冠词有简化的趋势,凡可用可不用的冠词均可不用。英文题名开头第一个字不得用the, and, an和a。






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篇八 :英文摘要写作



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